----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

8575449870?profile=originalThe Constitution was written to control the government, not the people. The Constitution mandates that the government must use gold or silver to pay its debts, but it does not require the people to use gold or silver coins in order to engage in commerce. If a farmer has the right to acquire a cow by trading cord of firewood, three little pigs or whatever the seller is willing to accept.

The Constitution does prohibit the government from interfering with an individual's right to contract. When both the buyer and seller are satisfied with the terms of a contract the government has no lawful authority to intervene.

The government no  moral or Constitutional authority to demand that we accept the counterfeit paper dollars issued by the Federal Reserve  The Constitution clearly mandates the government is required to pay its  debts in gold or silver coins, but we are free to use whatever we want to acquire the goods and services we want.

A so called legal tender law infringes the people's right to contract and creates a monetary monopoly that benefits the bankers who issue the money. When banks loan out money they don't have it is called fractional reserve banking. By passing laws to allow this practice, Congress has given the banks the authority to steal under the color of law.

Rather than protecting the rights and the property of the people, Congress has granted to the banks the power to turn the American people into perpetual debt slaves. Bankers are nothing more than parasitic middle men who redistribute our wealth into their own pockets with the support of Congress.

Virtually all of the problems we face today are the result a fraudulent monetary system that rewards the few at the expense of many. As long as privately held corporation control the issuance of our money we will remain debt slaves in a land that once was free.


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