A sheep dog, has the responsibility to protect his sheep. from the wolves. The County Sheriff has the responsibility to protect the people in his county from criminals and government officials.
The County Sheriff is the guardians of the Constitution and the God given rights of the people. A Constitutional Sheriff is not a law enforcement officer, he is supposed a peace officer.
It is his responsibility arrest the criminals and government officials who violate the Supreme Law of Land. When the Sheriff enforces an unjust law he violates his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
A Constitutional solution is to assemble as in the 1st amendment on your state. With; people that will do the work; people that will form a Lawful grand jury and bring a true bill against these evil doers. On Oregon we bring Article I Section 1. We need; people to populate a VII amendment jury of peers to bring forth a verdict that has no appeal in law in Our Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction. There may be other solutions!! However, this one works; it is we the people in assembly. Will you help your state assemble? You have a pulpit. It only takes 45. Americans on a state in a minimum of 42 days.. Invite all non evil Americans. It only takes 45 people, no persons.. all the best of every good fortune for the good, ronvrooman38@gmail.com