Most people have a difficult time accepting the truth when it challenges the things they believe to be true. Rather than accepting the truth most people will cling to their false beliefs in order to avoid admitting that they were wrong. It is easier to remain in the darkness then it is to seek the light of truth.
Most of us form our opinions based upon what we are told by the mainstream media. We tend to believe what we are being told and rarely question the propaganda that is being spread like manure on a corn field.
Only one in twenty individuals has the courage to be a seeker of the truth. It is the courageous few who hold the keys to the restoration of our liberty, are you are valiant warrior in quest of liberty and justice for all or are you one of the sheep that is content to be a member of the flock.
Remember Building 7
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I listened to a young Marine tell his story about delivering documents to a group of engineers on the 40th floor of building 2. He said he talked to the Engineer after he delivered the papers Well in advance of 9-11, and he said the Engineer told him about the structures were built with Major Defects.
One, the Aluminum Floor Pans were not properly insulated from the Steel Girders that held in in place, and the Fire Proofing was All made of Asbestos.
And for all the Defects to be fixed, would cost more then it would cost to Demolish them and start over.
The Engineer told him that the Insurance would only cover TWO types of damage, an Act of God, or an Act of Terror. And Terror can't happen without Bodies. And the rest is History
Psychopaths can kill millions, thousands or an individual without compunction or distinction or any sign of emotion.
One thing not quite accurate. The laws changed halfway through the construction. Right about the seventy seventh floor or so, they had do discontinue he use of asbestos in favor of the new, less effective, government approved alternative. Because of LAYWERS! There was nothing wrong with using and even applying asbestos; the ambulance chasers just ran outta work. I've handled asbestos all my life, it hasn't harmed me once. Not only that, but it did indeed make the building weaker from that point up, due mostly to the fact that the new fireproofing didn't stick and cover as well, nor was it as fireproof as asbestos.
This proved to be the REAL reason the buildings collapsed in record time (they "should have" stayed standing about 4 hours), and further explains why BOTH PLANES hit their respective buildings at a slight angle of decent, right at or about the seventy seventh floor. Check out the video if you doubt this. Everything I said is true.
No need. We both know that this means that particular piece of information wasn't classified information, that's all. So we have to assume everybody knew. So if they knew where to hit these buildings to make sure that they came down and did it in record time, then that shouldn't surprise anyone and it sure does explain a lot of things.
That may be true, however regardless of the materials used, my main point was the Excuse they used. Act of God can't be reproduced, while an Act of Terror Can.
All of this is ridiculous, no investigation is necessary as to how the buildings came down. No planes hit the buildings and they were all brought down by some kind of controlled demolition. The only investigation that needs to be done is bring uncover the perpetrators and try them for treason. This includes the likely suspects the Zionists, CIA, and all the government officials who were either part of it or allowed it to happen from the President on down.
Can you handle the truth?
How many times did you realize you were wrong when you allowed yourself to learn the truth? Too many to count, probably. How many “facts” do you believe now that are wrong or partly wrong? Closed-minded people will answer “none”. Closed-minded people do not know they are closed-minded because their mind is closed to negative and different ideas. Do you want to appear to others as wrong, ignorant or closed-minded? You owe it to yourself to be correct. Don’t you want to know more about a subject to impress others? If so, then open-mindedness should be your goal. Being open-minded means that you have not made a conclusion or assumption on a subject and are willing to hear and/or read all sides/positions/views of the subject. The mind is like a parachute in that it only works when open.
There are many people who want to deceive you such as and especially politicians and advertisers. Only you can prevent getting fooled by using the following methods.
Using a computer analogy, people have 2 types of software in their mind – emotions and critical (analytical) thinking. The emotions (feeling, subjectivity, passion) software is the default software and overrides the critical thinking software. The emotions software is automatic, instantaneous and often operates without the people knowing (subconsciously). The cause of the emotions software to be opened and used: the desire to believe something to be true (or not true) without evidence (faith), conforming to society, closing the mind because of the dislike of being wrong, authoritative source of information, lazy, gullible, accepting what is liked and rejecting what is disliked regardless of the truth, biases (45+ types of them), honest deceptions (17+), fallacies (74+) and psychological defenses (16+). Emotions cause most of the problems people have, especially greed, envy, gluttony, laziness, lust, rage and superiority pride. Even love is not always a good emotion – the love of money is the root of evil. Hating evil is not bad.
How to stop being closed-minded and accept truth wherever it goes: Stop feeling and be objective. Realize there is another side(s)/positions(s)/view(s) and that it is likely to be at least partly correct. Mentally look at the whole picture and realize you do not know the whole subject even after some research. Use common sense.
To become open-minded:
A) Relax, concentrate on the subject and use selfdiscipline. Realize that even though truth hurts, it is still truth. Truth can be negative (disliked by you), neutral or positive (liked by you). The number of times or the years a rumor is repeated does not change the rumor to truth. Let truth guide you. You cannot guide truth. Question everything and everybody.
B) Find someone to debate and select an emotional, debatable topic and take the opposite side from your own. Write five valid reasons to support an opposing view. Argue with yourself the pros and cons of a subject.
C) Remember a time when you were wronged by someone in the past. Create 3 plausible reasons why this person inadvertently or intentionally wronged you. Maybe he/she had good reason to do that.
D) Short video on open mindedness: or
To open the critical thinking software and have it override the emotions software, you must become curious to know the truth, stop prejudice, be open-minded to all possibilities, suppress the feelings/emotions you have about the subject, think logically, reason scientifically and stop using backward logic (making a conclusion and then looking for premises that fit your conclusion). The premises are supposed to lead to the conclusion.
To find truth:
l. Research all sides/positions/views. All have some truth. Find it/them. Get evidence, the more, the better. Use several reliable sources that have no conflict of interest, ask experts, use logic, use deductive reasoning and find the cause and effect. Get as much information as you can directly from the original source. Do not rely on or the like. Read the methodology of research. It may be flawed.
ll. Watch for lies, honest deceptions, fallacies, bias, subjectivity, hyperbole, symbolism, analogies, vague terms, double negatives, superstitions and platitudes. Honest deceptions are subtle ways of making a point without directly making that point or implying something different from what is true. For example, the Vague Claim is used when an advertiser says “most horsepower in its class.” What is its class? A fallacy is an error in reasoning. For example, the Appeal to Popularity fallacy is used when someone attempts to justify a conclusion by stating that it is widely accepted (popular). A double negative is when two negative words (not, no, none, didn’t, ain’t,…) and/or prefixes (non, a, un, in,…) refer to the same subject word. For example, “There ain’t no way”. The first negative cancels the second making the statement positive. Ain’t no way = is a way. A platitude is “a trite, meaningless, or prosaic statement, generally directed at quelling social, emotional, or cognitive unease.” – Wikipedia
lll. Realize that some truths cannot be known by anybody even though proclaimed to be known. For example, there is no way anyone can know the "unemployment rate" because no one knows how many people died while working and retired and got fired and got laid-off and quit a job and stopped looking for a job and got hired and started their own business.
lV. When all sides/positions/views are about equal in validity and/or truth, choose the side with the most truth or least assumptions (Occam’s razor), or better yet, both. Being neutral (undecided) on a subject may be a good option.
To become a critical thinker and to find truth:
a. Become curious. It motivates people to research new information and find the truth. Seek wisdom.
b. Become objective (existing independently of perception), not subjective (pertaining to the mind)
c. Focus on the subject
d. Ask questions and then get the answers of who, what, when, why, where and how
e. Get the whole picture. Subjects are like puzzles - to get the picture you must assemble all of the pieces correctly.
f. Wait until after researching, evaluating, processing the information to make any conclusion. Don’t jump to conclusions.
g. Evaluate (analyze) the information. Look for irregularities, contradictions, honest deceptions, fallacies, bias by the source, ...
h. Evaluate yourself. Judge your perception, emotions and interpretation of the information and avoid the following -
1. Selective Exposure - maintaining beliefs by selectively exposing yourself to information that you already know is likely to support your beliefs. Also avoid selective hearing and reading when getting information, especially from opposing views.
2. Primacy Effect - the information that comes first matters more than information presented later. Any contradictory information that is learned later is typically rejected as false. It is very possible the first “fact” was wrong.
3. Illusory Correlation - (correlation = causation) occurs when you falsely perceive an association between two events or situations. In reality, correlation does not prove causation. Prove causation.
4. Polarization - the tendency to be less critical of evidence that supports your beliefs than evidence that is counter to your beliefs
5. Prejudice - interpreting based on previous conclusions. Spin. Altered perception. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
6. Inferred Justification - a specific coping strategy in which you infer justification for your belief based on the belief itself
7. Bias - preference or inclination. A common bias is Confirmation Bias (also called confirmatory bias, myside bias, verification bias) = a tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses.
8. Faith - a belief that is not based on proof. Using faith instead of evidence. “Experts” are fallible and sometimes wrong.
9. Assuming - that you understand, that the source is reliable, that you are using the same definition of words, ...
10. Emotions - stop letting your feelings override truth. Your desire to be right should be your only emotion.
11. Conforming - be independent, not a sheeple. The majority can be wrong. So can the media and government/politicians.
12. Blaming the messenger - negative thoughts of or criticizing the messenger (Ad Hominem Abusive fallacy). The messenger is not the subject. Judge the message (content) only. However, actions speak louder than words.
13. Illusion of knowledge - humans want to believe they know more than they do and may be confident in information that is wrong.
14. Extremes - people tend to exaggerate (such as guilty by association), generalize, diminish or exclude information in their favor and use. Truth is often at the mean between the extremes. But not always. Sometimes an extreme can be true.
15. using a Psychological Defense(s) to protect your psyche. Denial may be the most commonly used.
"The truth shall set you free." Believing you are right while wrong will not. Instead it makes you look like a fool. A story sounds true until you hear the other side. It is easier to follow than to think.
Much good advise there. However, when the electric stovetop is red it will burn you. Don't let your kids think their grandmother's or neighbor's red stovetop wont. But, again, maybe they just painted it red and it wont hurt. That's critical thinking.
WOW! When do we get to the part where the facts I stated are completely wrong Joe?; or did I miss something?
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Yes we are afraid of the truth, because we are still in thralldom of vanity.