----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


The members of Congress violate the Tenth Amendment every time they assume a power that was reserved to the states. They have taken an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and need to be held accountable for their abuse of power.

The Bill of Rights was not written to govern the states or the people, but to govern the government. The Bill of Rights prevents the Federal government from violating the rights of the people. Each of the states has its own Constitution and Bill or Rights.

Technically, the Second Amendment prohibits the National Government from infringing on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, but the states were not bound to the limitations placed on the National Government.

The men who called themselves the Federalists wanted a much bigger and stronger central government than was created by the Constitution.

"All powers not granted to the government of the United States, nor prohibited to the states is reserved to the states or to the people." This amendment made it clear that the states were the masters and the government of the United States was to be the servant.

Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln were all advocates for a strong central government and would have supported the repeal of the 10th Amendment, because as long as the amendment was enforced the Federal Government would be held in check. 

They that in order for the government to grow stronger the sovereignty of the states would be a roadblock to the achievement of their objectives.

The 14th and 17th Amendments both undermined the enforcement of the 10th Amendment, As the central government;s size and debt grew larger the states have lost their sovereignty and the people's rights became privileges,

The so called American Plan was a scheme to benefit the financial elite at the expense of the people. They promoted the growth of mercantilism which is know today as Crony Capitalism. rather than a Free Market Economy.

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