----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Top Ten

This Says it All

By: Harold Saive

The BLM are a gang of foreign mercenaries acting in the interests of foreign banking and the IMF. The illegal Obama presidency and the operatives maintaining the illusion of a US Government are working on a federal budget that is essentially bankrupt. They have no choice but to let the BLM thugs have their way with stealing land from the people, States and Counties in order to fulfill TPP type agreements that maintain enough cash-flow to meet the expenses of keeping the illusion of democracy alive.

That is one of the comments made after watching

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  • Great post. this should be copied and shared with all contacts. Awakeningothersis   what has to happen. to give up is to be slaves to  very wicked  wannabee "masters".

  • As much as I would like to pin all this on OBummer, I can't honestly single him out. The problem we are observing today has "progressively" been growing for several administrations. Obummer did say he wanted a police force as powerful as our army. Well, we are almost there.

    We need to downsize the power and authority of OUR federal government. I will repeat myself for our most recent members. OUR federal government was created by the states and People for OUR benefit. The federal government was given, by us, only a few powers and authority. Anything NOT specifically authorized by us defaults to the states and People.

    In this example, the federal government should NOT have any agencies that are armed or have authority over the states and People. The states and People have a superior political and policing position above the federal government that it created. America needs some serious downsizing to happen!

    The personnel of the BLM and many other agencies are being lied to and are useful idiots of the federal government. Each individual has applied for a job and sadly are following orders because they just don't know any better. They are indoctrinated students of our federal school system and don't understand and aren't able to comprehend the oath of office that they swore to uphold. They just signed on to get a paycheck. They didn't expect to be terrorists themselves, but they have agreed to follow unconstitutional orders only because of their personal and intentional ignorance. The BLM, and other agencies, need to be defunded and dissolved. Whatever benefit they were supposed to provide need to be reverted back to each state.

    Our country and government has been infiltrated and hijacked on the federal level. It is now being overtaken at the state and local level and no one is paying attention. The reason is because the last few generations have been dumbed-down by our DOE federal school system that has intentionally misrepresented how and why our government was created and who holds the authority to maintain it. The government is getting more powerful and the citizens more serf-like. Isn't that the reason we broke away from Great Britain in the first place? We have had accurate history removed from our schools. "We will either learn history or be doomed to repeat it!"

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