----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Without the financial support of Wall Street corporation Hitler and Nazi Germany would not have been able to wage war. The international bankers funded both sides in World War II and have funded every other conflict since the creation of the Federal Reserve.

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  • As I said, get rid of the zio banks n the dirty judges that go along with the fraud

  • Appears to me that global business has been around a long time and it will not stop now.

    Let us now rethink business and enterprise -

    Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains. In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is easier to acquire them, and to effect this, they have perverted the best religion ever preached to man into mystery and jargon, unintelligible to all mankind, and therefore the safer engine for their purposes. With the lawyers it is a new thing. They have, in the mother country, been generally the primest supporters of the free principles of their constitution. But there, too, they have changed. - Letter to Horatio G. Spafford (17 March 1814) Thomas Jefferson

    Article V Project to Restore Liberty
    Article V Project to Restore Liberty. 602 likes · 4 talking about this. Pls check out first page of our site for goal. www.articlevprojecttorestoreli…
  • Have been starting wars and ending wars for hundreds of years! Remove them from our boundaries and let the House of Representatives coin money and pay the bills!

    • The power of the purse was granted to Congress, not zio banks laundering billions in drug money for the CIA & zionisreal. Get rid of the FED & a whole lotta problems would disappear, like wars based on lies, see Herr Decider, 911 & Iraq. Then seize everything THEY own per RICO laws obtained by Fraud, esp as the 16th was never ratified, as shown by any IRS case in Federal Kort, the Black Robe will order You to not bring this issue of Fact to the jury-see Bill Benson, Law that Never Was. To The Credit River Decision that got Judge Mahoney WHACKED to McFadden to JFK, Saddam for refusing the  worthless Piece of PAPER for Oil to Gaddafi trying to start the African Gold Dinar-all a threat to the fiat FRN aka A Worthless Piece of Paper, mass counterfited by zionisreal. See IfAmericansknew.org of $8,600,000 per day to jewsreal while We the Ppl pay a daily slave tax on near everything we do-work, driving, property tax.

         As I write, why r We the Ppl held to such a hostile degree of accountability to the rule of law when these Gov't Pieces of Shit are all IMMUNE. See Slavin vs Curry, Adams vs Tx, Scott County & the A Team investigation-near the entire county was arrested cause some Girls lied. Yet kops r killing 3 Ppl per day & a Dog every 98 minutes

         Read theGrace Commission, not 1 cent pays any gov't functions;

      Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he’s fed.
      Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule.
      Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway!
      Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.
      Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.
      Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.
      Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries, then tax his tears.
      Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ass.
      Tax all he has Then let him know, That you won’t be done till he has no dough.

      When he screams and hollers Then tax him more,
      Tax him till he’s good and sore.
      Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he’s laid.
      Put these words Upon his tomb, ‘Taxes drove me to my doom.. . ‘
      When he’s gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax.

      Accounts Receivable Tax
      Building Permit Tax
      CDL license Tax
      Cigarette Tax
      Corporate Income Tax
      Dog License Tax
      Excise Taxes
      Federal Income Tax
      Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
      Fishing License Tax
      Food License Tax
      Fuel Permit Tax
      Gasoline Tax (currently 44. 75 cents per gallon)
      Gross Receipts Tax
      Hunting License Tax
      Inheritance Tax
      Inventory Tax
      IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
      Liquor Tax
      Luxury Taxes
      Marriage License Tax
      Medicare Tax
      Personal Property Tax
      Property Tax
      Real Estate Tax
      Service Charge Tax
      Social Security Tax
      Road Usage Tax
      Sales Tax
      Recreational Vehicle Tax
      School Tax
      State Income Tax
      State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
      Telephone Federal Excise Tax
      Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
      Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
      Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
      Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
      Telephone State and Local Tax
      Telephone Usage Charge Tax
      Utility Taxes
      Vehicle License Registration Tax
      Vehicle Sales Tax Watercraft Registration Tax
      Well Permit Tax
      Workers Compensation Tax

      Read more at http://1funny.com/the-tax-poem/#dsukxiHheLuxqEkF.99
       in days of old Ppl wanted gov't off their backs, now Fbot issued EO 666 where Ppl shall be buried on their bellies so the gov't has access to their asses
      If Americans Knew - What every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine
      If Americans Knew is dedicated to providing Americans with everything they need to know about Israel and Palestine. Statistics updated every week.
  • read this;



  • Now Or started with the mile driven tax, with the federal gallon tax-so much for the Liberty Right of Travel-sales tax, registration, plates, tags, gas, oil, filters,  tires, parts r all taxed. Buy used, say they ask $1500, pay $600 for the car n $600 for the rims/tires

  • There is tax on all FOOD products . . the Farmer pay income, payroll taxes, the trucker pays income, fuel, and payroll taxes, the wholesaler pays income, payroll and fuel taxes, the food store pays payroll taxes, energy taxes, income taxes.

    Nope looks like we all, even the poor, pay a lot of taxes on our food.


  • Linda I was not arguing with you - I just wanted the opportunity to explain that all business taxes are a tax on the consumer.

    Businesses cannot pay taxes for they are just part of the cost of goods sold. 

    They are pass through to the end consumer. What the government does not tell all is that it cost money to collect account for and process collected taxes. So, all business have overhead which means if the Government wants a dollar the business might have to increase prices by say $ 1.25 to cover all costs.

    A business must make a profit or it will no longer exist unlike Governments it can not run a deficit for long ans survive.

  • Public Notice to Law Enforcement

    Posted: 06 Jul 2015 07:18 PM PDT

    Public Notice to Law Enforcement, Sheriffs,
    Elected Officials and Bar Association Members
    April 5, 2015
    Take Notice: The Roman Curia created the concept of legal fictions-- trusts, foundations, and other corporations for good reasons-- however, legal fictions can be misused. By Maxim of Law, those who create are responsible for their creations. It follows that the Roman Curia is responsible for the proper functioning of all corporations worldwide. As of September 1, 2013, Pope Francis declared all corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions. This means you.
    Also by Maxim of Law, there is no statute of limitation on fraud. Privately owned governmental services corporations have been fraudulently passing themselves off as the “government of the United States” since 1862. The longevity of this fraud in no way imbues it with authority. As an employee of these corporations you have no public office and no public bond and no foreign state immunity.
    Federal Law Enforcement Personnel--- except U.S. Marshals: Your status is that of a Mall Cop acting outside the Mall. You have no authority on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States. You are acting under color of law when addressing Citizens of the Continental United States “as if” they were Citizens of the Federal United States. If you threaten any living inhabitant of the Continental United States with a gun, taser, or other weapon, you can be hung as an inland pirate. If you remove any livestock you can be hung as a cattle rustler. If you cause any harm, you can be sued without limit. If you wear any uniform or display any badge or use any name or office designed to deceive or project authority you do not have, you can be arrested for impersonating an officer.
    You are acting in a purely private capacity and have only equal Civil Rights that may be withdrawn at any time. You are also acting under Martial Law and may face extreme punishment for infractions against the civilian populace. Acts of plunder, mortal violence, and mischaracterization of civilians as combatants are all death penalty offenses.
    U.S. Marshals are allowed full egress within the Continental United States so long as they are sworn and acting as officers sworn to uphold the actual Constitution, are not acting deceptively, nor acting outside their international jurisdiction while in pursuit of their duty protecting the U.S. Mail.
    Lawyers, Judges, Court Clerks--- When you address birthright Citizens of the Continental United States in the foreign jurisdiction of the Federal United States or that of a Federal State, and deliberately confuse living people with corporate franchises merely named after them, you commit personage. This results in press-ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea, a crime outlawed worldwide for 200 years. It is a recognized act of inland piracy and it carries the death penalty.
    Mischaracterizing the identity or citizenship status of a birthright Citizen of the Continental United States is also a crime under the Geneva Protocols of 1949, Volume II, Article 3. It also carries the Death Penalty.
    Finally, no member of the Bar Association may sit upon the bench of any public court nor occupy any public office of the Continental United States including Congress. The involvement of any Bar Member automatically voids all proceedings pretending subject matter jurisdiction related to the actual land or its assets---including the people of the Continental United States. The Titles of Nobility Amendment adopted and ratified prior to the American Civil War has not been repealed.
    The Federal United States and the Municipality of Washington, DC all operate under the auspices of the United Nations and are signatories of the Universal Right of Self-Declaration. Anyone claiming to be a Citizen of the Continental United States having a valid Birth Certificate must be treated as such. Any debts or charges whatsoever related to vessels in commerce operated under his or her name by the Federal United States, any Federal State, the Washington DC Municipality or the UNITED NATIONS must be discharged according to Maxim of Law already cited: you are responsible for what you create.
    The Federal United States and its Federal States have created numerous vessels in commerce merely named after living Citizens of the Continental United States and styled in the form: John Quincy Adams. The Washington DC Municipality has similarly indulged in this practice and created franchises for itself named after living Citizens of the Continental United States styled in the form: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Most recently the UNITED NATIONS has created public utilities and is operating them under names styled as: JOHN Q. ADAMS.
    The organizations that have created these franchises are completely, 100% liable for their debts and obligations without exception and without recourse to claim upon the living people these franchises are named after.
    You may not presume that the living people have consensually agreed to be subjected to statutory law. You may not presume that they consensually agreed to be obligated for the debts of any legal fiction personas which have been created and named after them by Third Parties secretively operating in a private capacity and merely claiming to represent the victims of this fraud.
    This is your Due Notice that the living people inhabiting the Continental United States are presenting themselves and may not be addressed as if they belong to, are responsible for, or indebted in behalf of any legal fiction personas operated under their given names by any international corporation.
    Any continuance of any such claims and repugnant practices will be deemed immediate cause to liquidate the American Bar Association as a criminal syndicate and to deport its members from our shores. International action is underway to secure the assets and credit owed to the victims.
    Please read, research, and do your own due diligence. You are fully responsible for obeying the Public Law of the Continental United States including Revised Statute 2561 and The Constitution. Please respect the established jurisdictions of air, land, and sea--- and be aware that you may be arrested and fined or worse for failure to do so.
    Issued this fifth day of April 2015, Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, Alaska State Superior Court.
    Here are the Orders by Pope Francis that ALL “public officials” that are under the jurisdiction of the Vatican City State do no longer have Immunity for the crimes they commit, Primarily Judges in America which includes the BAR Association.
    If you want the specifics on our history from the fallen America on March 27, 1861 then look up this book on Amazon.com.
    You Know Something is Wrong When.....: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause
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