----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

As an introduction, it should be made clear that this is the work and persistent diligence of Steven Duane Curry in his attempt to centralize and bring coherence to the argument that:

  1. The U.S. Corporation is unlawful, corrupt and insolvent,
  2. The "persons" involved are liable to the law,
  3. Oaths of Office are important,
  4. This can easily be the basis upon which We the People can seek to remove their bonds have them incarcerated, and,
  5. That this will no longer be allowed to continue as the "status quo" in America.

I strongly suggest you read this and respond accordingly in your district and community to all who would seek to continue to operate as thought they have some mandate to do so, in violation of all that is right and Holy. Those who will fight against this are the ones who are guilty of these violations. Seek to either convince them to submit to the will of the people or be jailed for not doing so. This is MY opinion, not necessarily Steve's.

Here is his opinion:


Date: April 23, 2015

Good Morning, Gentlemen;

As you may have heard, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, INC. became bankrupt, and insolvent on April 17th, 2015, when its International Creditors, declined payment for the debts in Federal Reserve Notes, a fiat, non-asset based currency.

What this means, is that, along with the US CORPORATION, the Triad Corporation, known as C.R.I.S., is also in Default & Dishonor.  The Federal Courts, the I.R.S. and all other Federal Agencies, have no way to pay the corporation’s debts, and they are, by all accounts, BROKE & BUSTED!..............Similar in scope to a gambler, who just put his last quarter into a slot machine, and came up empty!

Privatizing government service agencies, as in using public funds to gamble with, is one thing, but doing so without the full knowledge & CONSENT of the governed is, simply, "Bad Business," which can NO longer be supported, endorsed, or embraced!  The true owners of the casino can no longer extend credit to the gambler!  At a current [accrued and future obligated] debt of over $70 Trillion, the gambler is being asked to leave the premises, and to NOT return!! 

Under International Law, Commercial Law, the Law of Nations, and Natural Laws, ALL "Contracts" contrived under such fraud, including the sacking of the People's Treasury, are considered NULL & VOID, and are, hereinto, without substance, obligation, or duty to obey, or comply with such "Contracts!"

[For more see:]


At the same time, these Oaths of Office, often times signed by a criminal impersonator, a.k.a. "Judge," and taken by "wannabe" criminal impostors, criminal trespassers, and criminal misrepresentations, are equally NULL & VOID, under Law, for cause of the designed & induced fraud!

Our State & US Constitutions, as in the "organic & original," strictly PROHIBIT the borrowing of funds for private, and self-enriching enterprises, or, the holding of any government office by ANY foreign, private, for-profit, corporate persons!.....Period!

Even our State & Federal Statutes PROHIBIT such infiltration, lobbying, influence, or interaction between these private, foreign, for-profit, corporations, and our "elected" Public Trustees!!

[And so, to the Employees of this Nation:]

Many of you have been deceived into taking fictitious Oaths of Office, which challenge you to support, defend, and protect statutory (revenue laws) & Constitutional law and at the very same time, creating a very serious "Conflict of Interest" between the inhabitants of the Land, (the sovereign electorate & governing entities), and your "Private Obligations & Fiduciary Duties" of the "CORPORATION!"

Having taken these fictitious & fraudulent Oaths, you VACATE, not only your "government services office," but, by your human signature, you VACATE your Honor, Waive your Constitutional Rights, and you have laid yourselves, and your families, open to lawful, NON-JUDICIAL Claims for Salvage & Settlement, wherein, you become culpable, and individually liable!!

In other words, there are NO courts, other than newly formed International Tribunals of Natural Justice, to hear your pleas of:

"I was just doing my job!"........and where, 

"Ignorance of the Law, shall NOT be an excuse for violating the Law!"..............and, 

"Only those who make & enforce the laws, are obligated to obey the laws!"----ROMAN MAXIM.


These courts, along with the People's Grand Juries (The global internet included) are NOW open to receive &  hear charges of Treason, Sedition, Piracy, Slavery, etc., etc., wherein, you [The Employees], may produce whatever evidence you wish in your defense.  Just know that your sworn, signed, filed, and securitized Oaths of Office can and will be used against you!!

On the positive side, Gentlemen, you have an opportunity to report the crimes you have been asked to aid & abet. You should consider this measure a gesture of mercy, less you be charged as an Accessory after the Fact! The expiration of this opportunity for doing so, is just around the corner, so please do consider your options carefully, before this opportunity expires! 

After April 28th, 2015, we should know the exact date when this opportunity will terminate.

My Sincerest & Kindest Regards!

Steven Duane Curry

Have a Great Day, Gentlemen!


Private Patent & eState of Steven Duane Curry; "House of Curry"

Steven Duane Curry; "Juris Divini, Juris Privati, Sui Juris"

All Rights Reserved - © 2015 - Status quo ante bellum

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  • WE SHOULD CONTACT  Marvin Bryer !!  he has disqualified over 2000 judges !!  ill bet he  would help

    just remember we outnumber them over 100,000 to 1 

  • Dan,

    Show this to your Sheriff.See if he will begin to do the right thing.

    If you are lucky enough to have a good sheriff, as do we, a look at this information must be taken seriously in my eyes if he wishes as does ours, to be reelected.

  • Very interesting opinion. Mr. Curry's letter makes total sense to most of us on this thread. My concern is how are WE to present these facts to the uninformed friends and neighbors so they can be brought up to speed on what it really states? There's too much reading between the lines, and a huge assumption of knowledge on the part of the reader. The 99% don't have the attention span to read a bumper sticker! With all of the history and facts we have discussed in many threads, how can we dumb-it-down for those not so informed or interested in truth? Do we need to publish a Best Seller book, or produce an "entertaining" documentary for the masses? Not sure that will get any attention.

    As an example, G. Edward Griffin wrote an excellent book on the Federal Reserve, fiat money, and the IRS. The title is "The Creature From Jekyll Island". It's likely the best on the subject. The reader doesn't even need to finish it to comprehend what happened, and how government has been hijacked. Yet, not one thing has changed since it came out. We had bills to "Audit the Fed", but it hasn't happened! Why?

    I suppose that we can't count on the average American to educate themselves. I guess we need to haul each and every politician and judge into the Common Law Grand Jury Courts and prosecute them all, for us to be taken seriously. The corporate administrative courts, judges, and most sheriffs will fight back, but we must prevail. Are we going to need the informed militia to watch our backs to keep the corporate police at bay while we save our Country? Only then will the uninformed ask, "What the Hell is going on. Why are you imprisoning our judges and the guys we patriotically voted for"? During this ordeal, the MSM will spew disinformation to discredit our efforts and keep dumbed-down Americans from knowing the truth, and label true patriots "domesticated terriers".

    I like Troy's odds that we outnumber them 100,000 to 1, but what are the numbers of informed patriots to judges, politicians, police, and sheriffs?  Then there will be the bankers and international interests protecting their profitable scams. Will they bring in the guys with the international blue helmets?

    • Quick reply is 

      1. We do outnumber them,
      2. We let them read this letter and interpret the rest of the minutia for them, (like the links), that's how,
      3. We don't necessarily dumb it down, we just let them know that we believe what it says and either they take it seriously or become enjoined, and:
      4. We've already been labeled, tagged, licensed, permitted out of existence, why let that stop you?
  • The gov't [ states & United States ] do business with each other and internationally. The UCC [ uniform rules of contract law codified ] was created and adopted for this purpose.

    For the different gov'ts and gov't agencies to incorporate does not necessarily seem to be a problem. I will not speculate on the possible purpose at this time.

    However, the SCt long ago ruled that congress [ and this would apply to any other gov't agency ] cannot increase its powers simply by passing a law saying it has the power to do what is otherwise prohibited by the constitution under which that agency was created and exists.

    Therefore, the gov't [ all inclusive ] was created by constitutions and these instruments defined the duties of the gov't and the duties imposed upon it and no law passed by the gov't can change its duties and powers.

    While it might incorporate for paperwork and business purposes, just as it adopted the UCC, the act of incorporation cannot, despite what is written in its charter, diminish the duties nor increase the powers of that gov't body.

    Therefore we must look for other answers in regard to the fact that the gov't no longer recognizes anyone as having any rights.

    There are two issues to take inconsideration:  1] the vast list of inherent [ common law ] rights protected by the state and federal constitutions only applies to whites [ state and territorial citizens ]. Non-whites have for the most part only had civil [ gov't granted by law ] rights.  Under the pretense by the gov't that whites have become by some magic, citizens of the United States via the 14th, they have had their rights unconstitutionally ripped from them - thus making everyone equal in the eyes of the corrupt courts.

    It was made to appear that other races were raised to the rights level of whites, but when one looks closely, it can be seen that today, everyone is equal in having no rights.

    2] Gov't corruption. Even the 14th guarantees a certain level of due process [ for those people deemed to be federal subjects ] but in many cases today as a matter of official policy, life, liberty and property are taken without any form of due process.

    So, the fact that no one has any rights to speak of boils down to two issues. The constitutions secure very few rights for a large number of people and what rights the constitutions are suppose to secure have been for the most part made moot due to deeply entrenched gov't corruption that controls the legislatures and even the courts that exist at their pleasure.

  • my local sheriff still refuses to speak to me in person: i just sent another letter today to LT. wosolowski

    telling him please be advised his letter to me was total BS talk just like bill clinton. i was never allowed to file a formal complaint or have an appointment with anybody, so i guess ill start filing claims on surety bonds for multiple counts of fraud, This what i can do right now for my county, nobody else will do anything, even if they try, the sheriff's office will just deny them an appointment like they did me. once you talk about rights and "the LAW"  they dont want to hear it

    the stupid secretary got into an argument with me over a zipcode too

    • It takes two to Tango Troy.

  • "None so deaf as those that [who] will not hear. None so blind as those that [who] will not see." Matthew Henry, English Clergyman, (1662-1714)

    Henry was describing cognitive dissonance, a state of mind where beliefs are so ingrained that any new information that conflicts with those beliefs is rejected or ignored.

    I was going to write an article to debunk this so-called discovery in the linked blog, but I found this.

    Alternative Media Disseminates False Info Re: United States Corporation Company

    The author covers the topic well enough that I won't waste my time.

    The company is now part of the huge, worldwide Corporation Service Company. Back in 1978, I used this company to incorporate a company in Delaware and to act as its corporate agent. The company provides services to do incorporations in every state capital in the country and in many foreign capitals. If you needed a corporation created in Nevada (or any other place) on Monday, you send it the documents and by the end of the day, it sends you back the documents it filed on your behalf with the secretary of state. You just pay a fee for the service. It is very good at what it does.


    Do any of you realize how foolish you look? Is there any gray matter left between your ears?

    You give those of us who are actually working on solutions a bad name, because we're mixed in with you. You are either government plants luring in stupid Americans or you really are as ignorant as you appear to be.

    If we don't succeed in putting the state and federal governments back under the control of the people, it will be in no small part because of a legion of idiots constantly working against us at every turn.

    Arnie Rosner's Scanned Retina blog is a jumble of mostly unintelligible and disconnected rants and accumulations of stuff he's found somewhere else on the Internet.

    Of course, once you've made your credibility an issue, you won't back down and admit you were wrong, because that would bring everything else you promote under suspicion.

    The other day I spoke with someone who described you as 'keyboard commandos.' You can have a lot of bravado sitting behind a keyboard. A true American, Mark Twain, once observed that "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."

    Why are you all so intent on stopping what you claim you are for?

    In almost four years I still haven't had a single person products any facts that challenge this research and analysis.

    Snake Oil For Sale

    Snake Oil For Sale, Part 2


    And speaking of snake oil, Anna von Reitz, is the latest peddler of this poison. Not surprisingly, Arnie Rosner promotes her screeds.

    The following statements are from the opening sentences of "Notice to Congress—The Days of Legalizing Theft Are Over."

    "The most recent round of fraud began on March 28, 1861. That was the day the Congress of the united States of America adjourned for lack of quorum and never reconvened."


    There are three outright lies in these two short sentences. Can anything that follows or any of her other rantings have any credibility?

    I suspect that many of you out there are intelligent enough to see the snake oil for what it is, but you are too timid to point it out for fear of the scorn and ridicule that will be heaped upon you for speaking out. I suspect there are others who don't want to be ostracized by the snake oil sellers, so you play along to be one of the gang.

    Lies are evil. Doesn't the Bible prohibit bearing false witness?

    Albert Einstein observed that "The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it." I can't think of a better response.

    When will more of you stand up to these snake oil peddlers?

    • Richard,

      1. I did examine what you wrote here and on your links
      2. I find your arguments a bit vacuous and confusing mainly because I still can't tell what you DO believe in. and:
      3. I agree that there is a lot of disinformation out there.

      That said, I do actually agree that most of that info is fraught with problems of its own nature, BUT, You are an Ostrich with your head buried in the sand if you think for one minute that this country's governmental agencies et al are following any kind of LAW. 

      I don't care one little iota about the legal/lawful arguments when it comes down to the bottom line. And that is this. We do not have a federal or state government in force right now that operates the way it is supposed to be operating and that is clear even to those who don't care about the minutia and don't even vote for that matter. When you can't find Remedy for your ills, when there is a fomenting rebellion to the status quo, when people are jailed for non-crimes as though they were crimes, when "they" don't have to follow the rules, but you do, when you read the laws and understand that they are not being followed, it doesn't take a genius or even a legal scholar to recognize there is something VERY WRONG with our country today and there are enough people who are pissed off about it to make it so that the problems can no longer be ignored. 

      You see, I HAVE done my homework and researched THE WRITTEN LAW and the proper application of that law as it applies to freedom and sovereignty in America. It is clear that we no longer live in a representative Republic. Besides that; all one need do is open one's eyes to the spectacle of wreckage left behind by the likes of Bill and Hillary for instance and the multitude of wrongdoing associated with them. Ruby Ridge and Waco come to mind as well as the cocaine coming into Mena Arkansas, not to mention "Bloodgate". Canada still seeks extradition of Bill Clinton for that matter. But let's not open THAT wound again, eh?

      Suffice it to say that despite the inaccuracies of the facts of exactly how we got here or when or why, there is CLEAR evidence that something is just not right.

      If you can tell us exactly what that is, then by all means tell us. But I tire of the back and forth about who or whom is exactly correct. I am correct that we are no longer free like we are supposed to be and I could actually care less how we got here.

      With 20,000 gun laws that clearly violate the phrase "shall not be infringed"; with clear contradictions written right into our own laws here in PA, it does not take a legal/lawful scholar to predict that the S#&% is about to hit the fan. If you would like to discuss a proper solution, I'm all ears.

      • Morton,

        Re: Your #2.

        "All generalizations are false, including this one." Mark Twain

        You sight no specifics. You're entitled to your opinion. Hypnotism and cognitive dissonance have a great influence on opinions.

        The articles examine facts and actual language contained in documents that anyone can locate.

        As I point out in the article, those who have no facts find refuge in beliefs. What I believe is of no relevance to the facts.

        Re: Your #3.

        We are in agreement. My point was that those who spread disinformation are no better than the government and the media who do the same. Just like them, the disinformation purveyors are working against us.

        The Situation
        I also agree that it doesn't matter how we got here. Yet most of the chatter, starting back in the 1990's (the beginning of the Internet era) has been about theories to explain how we got here. I suspect many need these theories -- UCC, de facto, bankruptcy, and on and on -- to deal with the internal conflict that it is we (including myself) who are directly at fault for failing to keep the government in check. This goes to cognitive dissonance.

        So, the first step is stop blaming others for the state of our government. As the creators of government, the people are always responsible for what it does.

        The critical issue is how do we fix it.

        Mr. Broaders, who I've spoken with a couple of times, jumps from solution to solution without ever focusing on implementing any one of them. For example, elect oath keeping sheriffs, create local scrip (money), prepare for the collapse.

        Others, like the tea party, the Oathkeepers, GOOOH, Glen Beck, Americans Select, True the Vote, ACT for America, Numbers USA, NRA, Tenth Amendment Center, candidates for political office, and on and on, rally people to activities. The activities don't change anything. People get burned out and disillusioned. The cycle repeats.

        All of these so-called solutions have a common theme of educating the public. That's just insane. Realistically, it's impossible, outside of the education-propaganda machine itself, to work against the system that trains millions of children for twelve years on your dime with government propaganda.

        The Solution
        Six years ago I became aware of something that was totally unknown to me (other than a cursory awareness of it). The two-party duopoly (as Ralph Nader calls it) has structure, organization, money, and manpower in place in every state down to the local neighborhood where you vote. The duopoly excludes non-members from participation. Even as support for the duopoly shrinks, its power remains unaffected, because a hundred years of state legislation has ensconced it into positions of power that are unassailable from the outside.

        A solution has to be simple. A solution has to doable by an individual. A solution has to be in the control of the individual -- it can't depend on external events.

        G. Edward Griffin describes the process in the lecture:

        An Idea Whose Time Has Come

        To sum up the entire hour-and-a-half video in two words, it comes down to "take power."

        What power can we as individuals take? It's not the power of the president, or a Congressman, or a governor, or even a sheriff.

        What we can take (often times without any opposition) is a position in the machinery that runs everything else -- the two-party duopoly. We can become the machinery and have all the benefits of power that comes with it. Each individual can take his or her place in the system -- either Democratic or Republican.

        It's been happening all over the country. I've been working single-mindedly on it since 2009.

        Less than one-tenth of one percent of the adult population is needed to take control of the machinery.

        All it takes is a decision. Take that local position from the person who currently holds it in your voting precinct right now or at the next election.

        I've already seen success. A county here, a township there. A chairmanship here, a secretary there. It all adds up. There are thousands of people all over the country who have come forward over the last six years (many thanks to the Ron Paul strategy in 2008), who are already in place. They just need a simple majority to tilt the see-saw in their favor.

        Of course, most people have an excuse. See:

        The Power Is There for the Taking

        Some like, Glen Beck, say they have tried it and it doesn't work. Glen Beck lies. If Glen Beck has a clue, he won't tell you, because it wouldn't be in his interest. The same with all the other pundits, and talking heads, and charitable (non-profit) organizations. If the people were to get back control of the government, those who exist on the benevolence of the oppressed people will all be on the unemployment line looking for gainful employment.

        Next year, the duopoly, by law (and this is the beauty of it), must reorganize in 40 states. This is their most vulnerable time -- reorganization. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for us, they'll have the cover of the presidential selection process to give them cover. This is by design.

        So this cycle, I and dozens of other leaders in this movement are starting early. We don't need millions of people, we don't need hundreds of thousands of people. The people we need already know something is terribly wrong. We just need each of them to take personal responsibility for the current state of the country, suck it up, and, literally, take back the country by gaining control of the machinery in their county and state.

        Those with power call the shots. Those without power beg.

        Group: Precinct Project 2016

        So, you see I don't care how we got here. I just want to change it to the way we agree it should be. Every day I speak to people around the country. Every day I become more encouraged. The small cadre of people who are working with me can't do it alone.

        The biggest challenge we face is the short attention span of the American people. Chase your favorite rabbits after you've taken power.

        Mr. Broaders could help this group by not constantly switching horses in mid-stream.

        It's not sexy and it doesn't stroke the egos of the disinformation purveyors.

        If you can commit to take back power in your precinct between now and September 2016 (when the cycle ends), then we want to be able to communicate with you directly. Give us your contact information at


        An Idea Whose Time Has Come - G. Edward Griffin - Freedom Force International - Full
        http://www.realityzone.com/ To Learn More! There is no point in worrying about the erosion of personal freedom that is the reality of our present era…
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