----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


According to the Associated Press, Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for President-elect Donald Trump. There are rules to the contest, and Trump won fair and square. The rest is just noise and sore loser whining. If she wants, Hillary can go be the governor of California, or President of Saudi Arabia. Aside from her popularity in the ultra-liberal strongholds California and New York, the final election breakdown of the numbers shows what an ass-kickin’ Hillary received from the American people.

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  • Nice map. That tells a lot of what has happened.

    Let's consider the "Fake News" surrounding the general election. Sure Trump won the election. What the MSM is not reporting is that the election WAS RIGGED! Yet, Trump still pulled off an upset. Why is it an upset?

    In my area and many other Democrat populated cities, there were more votes than registered voters. Illegals were permitted to vote. Dead people voted.

    If anyone was watching on election night, what time did Pennsylvania disclose the election results? Here in PA, the polls "were" to close at 8:00pm. However, the results weren't reported till way into the wee hours into the next morning. The reason was, because Hillary was loosing! The polls in the major populated areas stayed open way past closing time. This was to allow more Democrats and unlawful voters extra time to skew the numbers. The polls stayed open, long past closing time! It still wasn't enough!

    In my area, I didn't see many Hillary signs or billboards. There also weren't many Trump signs, there were  some though. I did see several HUUUGE Trump billboards and creative monuments on private property along the Interstate, built by the land owners. The diehard Trump supporters were outspoken. My opinion was that because of the MSM, and violence towards Trump supporters and rallies, the majority of his supporters stayed low-profile to avoid personal backlash. They did however show up to vote. Can't say the same for the Hillary Kool-Aid drinking zombies. Some just gave up on her near the end. Especially after caught cheating Bernie the Socialist.

    Hillary lost because she was very well known. The informed voters knew she was crooked to the core. She had the most experience of all politicians. Experience of failure and corruption. She had it perfected, and the people made note.

    The election WAS rigged FOR Hillary, and Hillary still lost.

    What about the Republican primary though? How did Trump dominate THAT experienced political crowd? It seems to me that even the Republicans voters are tired of the same old political games. They didn't vote FOR Trump, they voted AGAINST their own Party and/or the typical RINOs!

     When Trump runs again in 4 years, he could now win as a lone Independent. He couldn't pull it off alone this last time around. He couldn't run against the Republican machine, it would have split the vote. Trump knows numbers! He made his numbers add up, and perfected a hostile take-over of the Republican Party. The Party was never behind him. He high jacked  the voters! He might just fix the Party, a little bit, if they listen to him AND to the ticked-off American people.

    There's more to do. The voters need to vote-out the remaining corrupt Republican incumbents and replace them with regular Americans that truly wish to support Trump's Constitutional Agenda and common sense. The Dems are falling apart on their own. Beware, if the Democratic Party goes away, they WILL return under a new name. The Socialist machine and global money is still too powerful! They will not go away quietly.

    I expect Trump to make a few mistakes. I only wish he was as well-versed on ALL the issues we discuss here. If he does HIS thing to get the ball rolling, we Americans can take it from there. He's not a savior, only motivated to fix what HE believes is not right. We know the other half.

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