In 1860 there were 178 representatives in the Congress of the United States and two firths of all of the slaves were not counted for the purpose of determing the number of representatives in Congress.
There were 3,953,761 slaves in 1861, but only 2,372,245 of them were counted to determine the number of representative in Congress. If the all of the slaves would have been counted, the southern states would have been entitled to an additional 89 representatives in Congress.
At that time the Congress had 178 representatives and the northern states had120 reoresentatives and the southern state had 58. If the south had freed the slaves, the south would have had more than double their represention in the House of Representatives.
There were 11 Confederate States and 23 states that remained in the Union. When the southern states seceded the North controlled senate and if all slaves had been counted the south would have had the majority of representatives in the House.