----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Two Ways to be Fooled


When people are taught to believe things that are not true they true they are easily led astray. In this article I will expose some of the lies we have been taught in the public schools.

The first lie we have been taught is that the Constitution create a nation. The fact is that the Constitution created a government for 13 independent states. The purpose of the Constitution was to form a more perfect union, not to create nation.

They knew that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely and that in order to prevent the abuse of power the central government would need to be restrained.

The delegates of the states provided the central government with a short list of delegated powers and retained all rights not delegated to the states and the people.


The second myth; The Constitution created a democracy in America. The fact is that the Constitution created a republican form of government. The word democracy does not appear in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.

Our founding fathers understood that democracies always lead to tyranny and that the rights of the people could best be secured in a republic.

If you cling to the idea that the united States is a nation and is a democracy, you have been deceived.

The third myth that the Civil War was fought to preserve the Union and end slavery,  the real reason for the war to change the union of states into oligarchy of rich and powerful bankers and corporations where the rights of the people became privileges granted to the people by powerful central government. The Civil War was not the war between the states, it was the war against the states.

Lincoln did not preserve the Union, he destroyed it. 



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