Any government that violates the God given rights of the people is unethical. Any government that grants privileges and benefits to some while denying them to others is unethical. Any legislative body that passes laws which violate the Constitution in unethical.
Any society where the government rewards its supporters and punishes its critics is unethical. Government officials that accept campaign contributions from corporations and unions is guilty of unethical conduct. A congressman that sells his votes to the highest bidder and dishonors his or her oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution should be banished forever from the halls of Congress.
Unethical behavior on the part of our elected officials will continue as long as we tolerate it. When the people decide that unethical behavior will no longer permitted, it will stop. Prosecuting those who bribe Congressmen with campaign contributions and those candidates receiving them need to held accountable.
Unjust laws are unethical and immoral. Unjust laws destroy liberty and have enabled the unrighteous to enslave the world. Those that write and enforce these laws have aided and abetted the enemies of liberty, justice and equality. The criminals can only continue their reign of terror if we remain silent. The time has come for the American people to confront those that have systematically destroyed the peace, prosperity and freedom that once characterized our country.
Code of Ethics for Elected Officials
I will always respect the rights of everyone on the planet.
I will always do what is right.
I will never vote for legislation that benefits some while harming others.
I will not engage in any unethical behavior.
I will not allow the government of the United States to initiate force against nation.
I will not vote for legislation that would require the government to borrow money fund it. or vote in favor of funding agencies that are not authorized by the Constitution.
I do like that this appears to be in Australia which as we all know has fallen under the curse of total gun control and the violence that follows that. The last passage will stick with me for some time. "If you don't stand for Something you will Fall for Anything"
The crux of the problem is that these unethical politicians are usually voted in by people seeking to be recipients of promised unfunded programs needing borrowed money to initiate or promised programs that are not constitutionally approved. It is not only unethical politicians but, also, a citizenry lacking in sound moral discipline. Politicians promise "freebees" they are not constitutionally authorized to deliver and people elect them expecting delivery. As far as campaign funding; it is a fact, we have some of the best politicians money can buy. Why would any sane person spend $7-$8 million for a job that only pays $140k per year for four years, unless there was a chance to make a $bundle$ under the table, I.E. insider trading, lucrative corporate management positions on leaving office or many $1/4 mil. speaking engagements, etc.?? Just sayin'. Much love, God Bless.