----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

A nation or a country is the name given to identify a particular group of people and the place where they live. Every country has a governing body that is a legal fiction created to control the people or to protect the rights of the people. Like a corporation a government is an artificial person or a legal fiction and has no inherent rights. Lawful governments derive their power from the consent of the governed.

Many patriotic Americans try to8575488664?profile=original explain how our government has gone astray by asserting that the United States became a corporation in 1871. What they fail to realize is that virtually every country in the history of the world has been an legal fiction created by a group of individuals to control the people of a nation and their wealth.

When a government or a corporation is controlled by the financial elite the vast majority of the people become debt slaves to the banking institutions. According to our founding fathers, our government was created to be a  government of, by and for the people. It was not created to benefit the few at the expense of the many.

The Constitution was written by the Founders as a rulebook to restrict the behavior of the new government and to prevent its abuse of power, then, now and in the future. The people of the states created their own government and transferred a portion of their sovereignty to that government. The authority granted to their state governments was to be revokable any time by the voice of the people.

The Representatives of the people from the States then created a national government and granted to that body a list of enumerated powers. Any power that was not granted to the government was to be retained by the states and the people. Our government has been infiltrated by bankers, lawyers and corrupt politicians and turned into a government (Corporation) of the United States Bankers. When agents of those Bankers then wrote unconstitutional laws, America became the author of tyranny instead of the beacon of freedom throughout the world. The people have become slaves in a land that once was free. We are the employers and those who we elect are supposed to be our servants.

The only way to restore the rule of law is to expel all of the government officials who have been masquerading as public servants. Virtually every elected official as well as those who have been appointed are enemy agents and should be terminated and prosdecuted if they committed crimes.

Any and all politicians left standing after we clean house can keep their jobs. The rest are to be sent packing!

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