There are 206,072,000 eligible voters in the United States and 148,311,000 of them are registered to vote. They reside in 300,000 precincts with an average of 400 potential voters in each precinct.

An estimated 201.5 million U.S. citizens age 18 or over will be eligible to vote Nov. 2, although many are not now registered. Of these, about 55 million are registered Republicans. About 72 million are registered Democrats.

About 42 million are registered as independents, under some other minor party or with a "No Party" designation.

Out of the approximately 200 million eligible voters only 169 million are registered. In other words there are 31 million potential voters that have chosen not to participate. If you add those 31 million to the 42 million voters that are aligned with neither the Republicans or Democrats, you have a total of 73 million potential voters that are disenchanted with our government.

If the Constitution Club were to have one man or woman in each precinct, we would have 300,000 members. If we had an average of 10 members in each precinct we would have 3 million members.

The number of Americans that are fed up with our government has reached critical mass. The key to restoring sanity and fiscal responsibility is for the people to collectively take responsibility and vote out all of our elected officials that refuse to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution.

Go to the new Constitution Club website and create a web page for your precinct and then invite all of your neighbors to join your local precinct organization.

You need to be a member of Constitution Club - 2020 Vision 4 America to add comments!

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  • When you register to vote you are signing a contract to be a participant in the "corporate" system, therefore I refuse to be registered. Part of being Sovereign is removing your voters registration, so you have no contractual ties with the corporation that violates your rights.

    Republic Citizens don't vote, they elect, and they don't have to sign a contract to do so. All they have to do is to be registered with the Republic.

    What good does voting do anyway? Ron Paul had as many backers as his opponent in the Republican Party, Mitt Romney. and the rate of his backers was way higher than Romney's. He would have EASILY beat Romney and Obama, had he not been given an ultimatum to remove himself from the race. Who REALLY is behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings? Is it the Wizard of Oz?

    If society wants to get back to a Republican form of government, they need to get to the core of this gigantic PIMPLE, and squeeze the hell out of it, til Obama and all of his cronies, including George Soros, the Rothschild family, and the Bilderburgers, come squishing out. It may get bloody, that is their choice, but society needs to decide what is more precious: LIBERTY, or security, and if they prefer security, they will have neither at the hands of tyrannists.

    In case it is cancer we are dealing with, it needs to get removed, or it will just continue to get worse.

  • You will notice that I have "Republican Party", as opposed to the "Republic". That is very intentional. The Republican Party is a corporate entity. The Republic is just what it is, the original form of government established by our Founders. Republican Party, in my opinion, is just a misguided play on words when the corporation was created so you wouldn't notice the corporation's dirty deeds. Republican and Democratic Party(s) are both headed by George Soros, who is working under the direction of the Rothschilds.

    The Republic was abandoned when Abe Lincoln was elected. Congress started running the government as a corporation in 1871.

    The original Republic was re-inhabited in November (20) 2010. If you are interested, go to I have written about this so many times I am really getting tired of writing, especially since I don't like writing to begin with.

    The solution is quite simple. Do just what I said somewhere else on this site.. Use the "Respondent Superior" process. The Sheriff is responsible for the conduct of the Deputy. Serve papers on your Sheriff, Police Chief, whoever, that you are going to come after his bond and take his job away, and his only recourse of action to stop it will be to take care of justice within the walls of his own Office and hold his Deputy, or whoever, accountable. If he holds whoever accountable, you drop your charges, if not, he may want to start looking for another job.

    You give a copy of your criminal report to the bonding companies (who don't like bonding anti-social behavior, because of having to pay claims) and wait 30 days. They have to report to the bonding companies within 30 days, or their bonds are automatically suspended. You are to be paid damages within 90 days. Go to for forms, etc..

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