
  • I really like this girls gumshun to stand up and say what she truly believes in. We have become so programmed to just follow the rules the laws regardless of whether they are good or bad. There are all too many laws on the books of the Fed and State government's that need to be abolished and nullified for all time. Our political system has been hijacked by big money interests both foreign and domestic just like terrorist cells they reduce our rights and our freedoms daily.


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    • Thank God for you !! Every one I know just says I am crazy  I have no support ,from so called friends or family and I have  a court date March 13 . My friends bitch about the so called  COPS AND THEIR STUPID STATUES LICENSES ,CODES  ,everyone I know is too broke to have the internet ,or the gas to come over (to were I am staying now ) . Homeless after years of taking care of my  sisters brothers ,parents ,worked my whole life . Now cause of  policy P-----s i am flat broke ,stuck  and I WISH PEOPLE WOULD WAKE UP . i TELL GUYS WHATS HAPPENING  AND THEY DO NOTHING BUT ACT LIKE ITS A CONTEST ,(OH THEY KNEW THIS A LONG TIME iM NOT TELLING THEM ANYTHING KNEW ) aND i SAY "AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ?" The 2 judges I was in front of should be in jail .  iF i WOULD HAVE HAD SOMEONE WITH ME WHEN i WENT IN FRONT OF MAGISTRATE TRUDY REED CHASE . I had called 911 because my sises ex beating her ,called back telling them he was gone did not need any one . Long story  cop came tricked me took a year old male hemp stems looked like hay ,and about half a handful) , Public pretender said I could get a year and a half . He did not care my sis had huge bruises . all over her ,he tried to pull her eye out (cop gave her drunk test  after he walked her down the hill . we were not in a car ....:.I have no witnesses of her screaming at me telling me I had no rights ,because( I have learned alot more since that day )Dec 3 . I very nicely asked , what jurisdiction was the court in ,  what law practicing  and if she  was working under her oath  that day, and if her job was a government job ?  Any chance you are near or KNOW no some one that is near San Juan County New Mexico . That wouldn't mind  ,lending a hand (witness ,support ) advice . I have sent letters to Kieth and there is probably some on my page . Thank You so Much . I feel the same and wont stop telling people ,but I haven't been able to reach a lot of people,cops had me in jail a month ,kidnapped me while walking down my rural  road . No phone call for 7 days  So I was pissed and did kick the light in  the car, so I am 4 ft 11 in  and a 48 yr old woman that loves my god given weed . 2 six ft cops  say that i resisted or abused them , they asked if I wanted to go with them ,I said no , what for ,am I under arrest ? " they never answered ,did not say a word just threw me in the car .  Then at jail found an old sneak a toke with some dry resin  in it . Well they say I am guilty of having what God gave me   paraphernalia  and possession. I once told a 70 year old man I know that smokes with me that just because man made a law doesn't mean I have to agree with it . ! I still can't believe  he acts like he knows everything , and I did not know shit then ,just I have always felt that way  . Jessene I was raised an Outlaw,but they all passed away Old time bikers , Or I would have some help . Thank YOu !!! For being REAL !! It takes a woman  .   Sincerly fellow Out Law  jessene 

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