The National Defense Authorization Act which passed in 2012 with 87 of the 100 Senators voting for the legislation that clearly violated the Constitution. An honest and ethical representative could not vote in the affirmative for this unconstitutional legislation.
How do we know the content of a man's character? The Bible tells us "By their fruits, Ye shall know them."
The best way to determine which of our elected officials are ethical and which ones are not is to evaluate their voting records. An ethical representative must honor his or her oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and if they don't they reveal their true character.
In the House of Representatives 190 Republicans and 93 Democrats voted for the NDAA and committed treason in the process. These officials should be booted out of office and should be indicted and prosecuted for violating their oath to defend the Constitution.
Click on the following website to see the names of the traitors. The Sheriffs in these counties should arrest the criminals or turn in their badges.
Click on the following link to see the names of the traitors
There is something terribly wrong when the criminals in Washington are rewarded with humongous salaries and enormous pensions while dismantling the Constitution they have taken an oath to defend.
In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offense, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason against the United States, conceals such knowledge and does not inform the President, a federal judge or State Governor or State judge (18 U.S.C. § 2382). It is punishable by a fine and up to seven years in federal prison. It is also a crime punishable under the criminal laws of many states.
In my opinion anyone including you, who knows that a member of the House of Representatives or Senate who has voted in favor of legislation that is in clear violation of the Constitution, has committed a crime by violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Their voting record is all that is needed to convict them of treason. We all have the moral and lawful responsibility to report the crime to the proper authorities. Failure to do so constitutes a crime that is punishable under criminal law of up to seven years in a federal prison.
The choice is yours, you can either report the crime or pack your bags!
must be your firewall settings, opens for me.
Try a different browser Doug.
Good Morning, Keith; You may be interested in my recent email posting.
Good Morning, Julie, Vincent, and Team;
I don't know, stepping on toes of bosses of the blue code may be hazardous to my health.
Schweikert is not on the list