----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Is it a crime to kill innocent men, women and children? Was Hitler guilty of war crimes when he bombed London and killed innocent civilians? If it was wrong for Hitler to target non combatants, how can we justify the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What is your opinion?

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  • "A lie is a lie no matter who tells it and a bomb is a bomb no matter who drops it "
    Keith Broaders

  • People fail to realize the conventional fire bombing of Tokyo killed more people than Hiroshima & Nagasaki combined!
  • It was a war crime for sure, especially since the Japanese was ready to surrender before the A-Bombs

  • As long as mankind serves money the reasoning of greed will rule . This corrupt world serves Satan , not Jesus and the crooks cooking the books will have us all facing perdition .

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