Those that seek to enslave us have been able to achieve their objective with our consent by creating the illusion that we are free. By controlling the media and the public schools, they are able to control our minds and convince us that we are free. Ignorant subjects are much more easy to control than enlightened subjects. The government schools help to perpetuate the myth that we live in the land of the free.
Every few years elections are held and are given the choice to vote for candidates that take their marching orders from our slave masters.
Those that run the Federal Reserve are more subtle but are no less oppressive than those that owned and operated the plantations in the southern states. By allowing us to vote for a candidate of their choice, they are asking us to select who is going to oppress us. Voting for a Democrat is like voting for a puppet, while voting for a Republican is like voting for a Muppet. Those of us that think that our vote really makes a difference are sadly mistaken.
As long as we keep re-electing the same criminals that have created the mess we are in, how can we expect that they can solve the problems. If you ran a business and discovered that your managers were incompetent and that they were making decisions that were bankrupting your business would you give them a raise or would you show them the door?
The men and women that are were elected to protect our rights and defend the Constitution are systematically working to destroy the same Constitution that they have sworn to defend. If we do not hold them accountable they will become the Masters and we will become the Slaves on the Federal Plantation. We are the employers and our elected officials are our employees. If the hired help refuses to follow our the Constitution we need to indict them for treason.
Those that we have elected create the crisis and then propose a solution. It is no surprise that every time they suggest a solution, it requires us to sacrifice a portion of our liberty and our property to solve the problem that they created in the first place. Only an individual that has ownership of their life, liberty and is able to harvest the fruits of their labor is truly free.
Every time we obtain permission to exercise a God given right, we are being defrauded by government. By allowing our elected officials to operate as they have for generations we have essentially given them our consent and have created a prison for ourselves in a land that once was free. If we don't start taking responsibility our nation will be destroyed those that we have elected to represent us.