Ignorant and Apathetic!
There are many people who think that reducing the Congressional ratio of Representatives to constituents, is the key to restoring our Constitutional Republic, but I don't think having more representation in Congress will do us any good if voters remain ignorant and uninformed.
The so called "education" provided in our "public", (read government), schools only serves to help create the type of voters needed to promote and sustain tyranny. Blind followers! Ignorant and apathetic!
There are many who believe that all we need to do is amend the Constitution. Unfortunately, it is not the Constitution that has failed us, it is we who failed it. It boils down to people's ignorance and apathy. They either don't know or believe you, but don't care, or are too afraid to buck the "system".
We the People cannot be free if we continue to be irresponsible. When we elect corrupt lawyers to serve as our representatives, in direct violation of the "lost" 13th Amendment, it is clear that an amendment is not the answer. The problem is in enforcement of the provisions already provided. We need to let our "reps" know that when they violate these edicts and reach beyond their enumerated limitations, there are consequences. If we fail to hold our elected officials accountable no amendments will change the direction in which we are headed.
In the Declaration of Independence you will find the solution. Thomas Jefferson stated that when the government "becomes destructive" to the cause of freedom we have a right and a duty to "alter or abolish it." The only question that remains unanswered is whether or not the time has come for us to follow Jefferson's advice.
The United States [ fed gov ] does not have a republican form of gov. It was created more as a municipal corp that operates on old Roman civil law. The states are supposed to be constitutional Republics for those people who are only citizens of their state and are in no way impacted by the 14th Amendment.
For many decades the gov and all trial courts have been under strong communist control. Under this control the gov has imposed an official policy of imposing 14th status on everyone. This has the effect of stripping the state-only citizen of their rights - including the right to a constitutional Republic with all its common law protections.
This makes the state operate as mere fed districts. To bring back the common law protections, those people who are truly state-only citizens must find a way to be recognized as such and force the gov to follow the constitutions in regard to their rights.
The only other option would be to amend the 14th to state that the citizens thereby shall be treated as true citizens of the state in which they reside and have all the same exact rights and protections as individuals who are only citizens of that state who are not at the same time citizens of the United States [ fed gov ].
That would re-establish our states as true constitutional Republics and end Communism in the states, but due to the lack of gov control that the framers could not foresee a need for, most people would be even more unhappy than they are now.