
           Jim Forsyth


Most likely you have seen the movie The Matrix where people are living in a world in which things are not really how they appear to be. What if there really was a matrix and we were all, unknowingly, involved in it?

What if you knew about it and you tried to tell people but they didn't believe you? What if somebody else knew about it and was trying to tell you but you didn't believe them?

What if you had been tricked into agreeing to be part of the matrix and you didn't even know it?

What if many of those unalienable rights, given to us by the Creator, had been taken away and replaced with privileges that the Government granted and the Government could take away?

What if America was no longer the land of the free but people continued to think that it was?

What if the Constitution was no longer in effect but everybody just kept assuming that it was?

What if banks did not actually lend you their own money but, simply made a bookeeping entry which magically created money out of nothing and then they expected you to pay them back, with interest?

What if courts were not really places you went to to receive justice but were actually corporations, in business to make money?

What if the Federal Reserve was not really a part of the Government but was another private, money making corporation?

What if the IRS was also not a part of the Government but was yet another private corporation, acting as the collection arm of the Federal Reserve?

What if the money collected by the IRS did not, in fact, go to the Government but actually went to the Federal Reserve as a payment on the National Debt?

What if the Federal Reserve turned around and loaned it, at interest, to the Government? What if this made the National Debt even bigger so that it could never be paid off?

What if the elected politicians were not really running the country but were subserviant to some New World Order, once called the Illuminati, now called the Committee of 300?

What if this was the reason the country keeps heading in pretty much the same direction no matter which party is in power?

What if it doesn't make any difference who you vote into office because the ultimate outcome will not be any different?

What if the United States was not really a country but was actually a corporation, in business to make money for the New World Order?

What if the New World Order was the owner of the Federal Reserve and the IRS corporations? What if the New World Order was the owner of the United States corporation?

What if these things were all true and you were nothing but a debt slave, working to enrich the New World Order?

What if the matrix depended for its continued existence on people not knowing about it?

What if the only way out of the matrix was for the people to wake up and find out about it?

What if you found out about it?

Jim Forsyth - TeaPartyFire


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  • What if that was true-- and most of it is, except that the IRS collects well over $2 trililon annually and the debt service is not that large-- yet.

    Of course, that doesn't include the $16 trillion committed by the Federal Reserve to bailouts since 2007, half to foreign banks.

  • When are people going to wake up and come together and act together and when are Sheriffs going to Stand up with us and the Military.....It is amazing when one look at the Egypt video How all of these people managed to unite and in America it is hard to even get 20,000 people together to voice our opinions....Yes, What is Wrong?????  I do believe that new program, which I have not watch but it is a city within a Dome and I think most people want to stay within the Dome and not see reality.  I commend the people of Egypt for listening to God's call and seeing reality.  Did you see this Video....Inspiring for the Whole World.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTpvaEWjXWs

     God Bless our America.

  • People need to get there heads out of there buty.
  • What if the sheople of this nation do not wake up?  Is there any peaceful remedy remaining?  How much will it take for the sheople to realize what "we" have been saying for years is true and "we" are not crazy, nor the enemy?  When will brown hair be prevalent at meetings over bald and gray?

    Thanks Jim for your thoughts.


  • all of this is already true but it appears many Americans do NOT want to believe this has already happened.  how do you get the taken care of population in our Country to wake up?  Stop giving them everything for free and then they will understand.

  • Where is the "what if" that is a solution?

    Oh, people have to wake up before they make a solution - otherwise they are just sleep-walking in another direction???

  •   All very true as I only started waking up 5 years ago. Let's try the following to get the sheeple to 'Wake Up',: 1. do not create any more indebtedness to any bank or financial entity of any kind. 2. pay off/discharge all of the debt that you're able to; how ever you do that isn't important for the purposes of this conversation. 3. develop and implement a way or ways to teach those who want to know so that this will spread while giving them the information that has educated us. This maybe sound over simplified but it's a start. We can do this to unwind this matrix 1 or 2 people at a time. Then, it spreads like wildfire. This is how the 'Global Elite' has accomplished this; with patience and persistence, among other qualities which are not very admirable. This would and will spread like a pyramid in a Ponzi scheme.

  • All good ideas Russell-Scott, I hope you can publish them far and wide for maximum impact.

    Russell-Scott: Budnick said:

      All very true as I only started waking up 5 years ago. Let's try the following to get the sheeple to 'Wake Up',: 1. do not create any more indebtedness to any bank or financial entity of any kind. 2. pay off/discharge all of the debt that you're able to; how ever you do that isn't important for the purposes of this conversation. 3. develop and implement a way or ways to teach those who want to know so that this will spread while giving them the information that has educated us. This maybe sound over simplified but it's a start. We can do this to unwind this matrix 1 or 2 people at a time. Then, it spreads like wildfire. This is how the 'Global Elite' has accomplished this; with patience and persistence, among other qualities which are not very admirable. This would and will spread like a pyramid in a Ponzi scheme.

  • Thanks Jim for posting this. I was one of the people thinking that we would be taken care of here in the US. by our Gov. I was taking care of my sick husband for years and never paid attention to what was going on. But, now I woke up to the fact that we are in trouble, that's why I join tea party to learn as much as I can and learning more has scared the (hell-o) out of me. I hope everyone will wake up before it's to late. It may already be to late. I hope not.

  • It is never to late to open one's eyes and view the truth.  The defacto is approaching it's end time, the Republic for the united States of America is alive and will never cease to exists.  We only have to spread the  truths given us by God and our forefathers.  We must spread these truths to all we know, they will open their eyes and begin to see.

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