----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

What is Religion?

A philosophy or ideology that teaches individuals to love one another and promotes peace and is called a religion. An ideology that promotes violence, hatred and intolerance is not a religion, but is a political ideology masquerading as a religion.

I recently watched a video where the presenter suggested that

1) All religions are true

2) None of the religions are true

3) There is only one true religion.

I am of the opinion all religions were created by man and all of them contain both truth and error. The followers of religious denominations all believe they are members of the one true religion.

Our founding fathers felt that each individual had a God given right to decide for themselves which religion to embrace or reject. 


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  • islam is a satanic,  barbaric cult of rape, torture and murder not any kind of religion!!!!!!!!



  • Keith, I would like your permission to use this quote in several of my internet posts and compositions to the media.  Please check out how I have it worded and make sure it will be wording that you approved.  Would you also respond on this direct and "off-site" e-mail address of mine... otherwise I may miss your response.on "FOL" as I get so many e-mails

    Thanks and God Bless You and America,

    Bill J. Spence.......kmule75@comcast.net 

    “Religion is a philosophy or ideology that teaches individuals to love one another.  It also promotes love, peace and mutual respect. An ideology that promotes violence, hatred and intolerance is not a religion, it is a political ideology masquerading as a religion”... Keith Broaders,

    An American Patriot who believes in the Constitutional Republic of America as established on Judeo-Christian principles by our Founding Fathers.

  • But religion encompasses much more. It is a faith in a great power. But I understand what you are saying. Muslims are NOT a religion as all they are is a political ideology which teaches them to hate any non muslim ( infidel) and kill and mutilate him and they will get a reward. How sick...totally sick.

    Bob is right. Muhammad was a rapist and he loved rape and torture. They used it on as young as babies, mostly little girl 7-11 yr. old , and then they are married to men in their 20's who rape them to have babies. It is sick. And sometimes they cut the woman so it will be a horrible pain to have sex and then have a baby. Why I can't understand but they think this is right to do to women who are not to them as high as dogs. Yet these woman think life is fine as that is all they know. How sick.

    • adelle, yes it is sick and islam is a satanic cult imposed on mostly ignorant people who have been taught that this normal for centuries.  they are now teaching this crap in OUR SCHOOLS!!!!! they are satanic, sadistic, barbarians!!!!!!!!!!!

    • You might not like what you see HERE Adelle, but I encourage you to watch the whole thing, then comment if you wish. Try not to cry.

  • If Islam started killing 1000 people per day, it would take them the next 136+ years to catch up with the number of people killed by the CATHOLIC CHURCH.  Through history, they have been the bloodiest "religion" ever. 

    Kill the heretics.  Kill the Islamic people.  Kill the Waldensians.  Kill the Cathars.  Kill the Anglicans. Kill anyone that possesses a bible in their native tongue.  Kill those who disagree with THEIR definition of Trinity.  Kill those who refuse to change their Sabbath day.  Kill those who refuse to keep Easter, Christmas, a new calendar, etc.  Kill, kill, kill. 

    Oh wait, let's TORTURE all the above before we kill them!  The Catholics gave us such wonderful devices as the tongue screw, bodies ripped apart, re-assembled, and then ripped apart again!  (Much of what we know of surgery and medicine came from the Inquisitions.)  Burning at the stake -- now THERE'S an example of "love" in religion, and brought to us by such fine examples of "universal religion" as Queen (Bloody) Mary herself.

    Much of what goeth on in the world today is still blow-back from Crusades a thousand years ago.  The papists have always wanted Jerusalem for their own possession.  While Americans may be short-sighted, and have even shorter memories, not everyone in the world is so forgiving.  And the sooner our military quits doing the will of the Vatican, the better for us all.

    Quit bashing Islam and Judaism, and start looking at THE ANTI-CHRIST himself, sitting in the temple of God, showing himself he is god.  That lineage and dynasty of popes occupies the lion's share of the book of Revelation.  What John does bring out about Islam occupies only a chapter or two.  Hopefully the pair can wipe each other out, and spare some Protestant lives in the process.  Not holding my breath though, too many people still haven't figured it out.


    • that stopped about 1,000 years ago and was Spain's catholic king, who did much of it for personal gain, not religion!!!!!  much like many of the islamic nuts that call for people to kill themselves for the glory of their master, allah/satan!!!!!

      • So sorry Bob to talk about you like this, but you were 500 years too soon.

        And it goes on today with every revolution fomented by that idolatrous perpetuation of evil. Our own Protestant land brought to ruin by Catholic Germans, Irish, Italians, French, central and south Americans, Filipinos and Vietnamese, under the slightly altered fertility goddess of pagan Rome. What other entity would subject its followers to BINGO?

      • Actually, Bob, Adolph (20th Century Germany) was a "good Catholic" according to the record.  Yes, there was a Spanish Inquisition (1478 A.D.+, estimated 5,000 died from those convictions), but there were many Inquisitions in other of the nations that made up the Holy Roman Empire (HRE). 

        Mary was Queen of England (1553-1558), not Spain, although the Vatican did "bless" her marriage to Charles of Spain, in an attempt to solidify England and Spain into the HRE.  She was an avowed Catholic, and did the stake-burning thing in an attempt to punish the Protestants.  It was during this time that many reformers went into what became known as "The Marian Exile: -- hiding in Geneva Switzerland to do their bible translating work. (The Geneva Bible of 1560 came from this period.)

        There is evidence of Inquisition as late as the 1950's in Italy.  It's not all ancient history.  The beast that "yet is" had its wound healed in 1929, with the Lateran Treaty (under Mussolini).

        Many higher-ranking Catholics have openly stated that their preferred form of government is Fascism.  Go figure!  Ever wonder why America now condones torture in military conflicts?  Look at the number of Jesuit-trained people working in all three branches of the Fed Gov, and at ranking positions of authority.  There is now a 6-3 Catholic majority on our supreme Court.  OH -- THAT'S why it is no longer politically correct to read bibles in school!  Who'd have thunk it!

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