Congressional Record
What we should be asking is "what are they doing right?"! That's an easier question to answer, but as long as we're on the subject, let's list what we DON'T like.
- They keep passing continuing resolutions instead a budget;
- They pass laws that are completely unconstitutional;
- They have refused us redress of our concerns. All of them;
- They take legal bribes from "Lobbyists", So consequently;
- They only "represent" the concerns of those lobbyists and the corporations that hire them, instead of their constituency;
- They have TOO MANY constituents to honestly and accurately address their concerns;
- It costs WAY too much, ($1.6 million), to run for the office, BECAUSE of the size of the constituency;
- They continue to ignore their mandate to seat "one, (Representative) for every thirty thousand" people in the several states, united;
- They continue to fund SOCIALIST WELFARE programs and the PROGRESSIVE INCOME TAX systems, straight out of THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.
- Congress continues to fund Planned Parenthood, an organization started to ELIMINATE THE BLACK RACE! It was started by Margaret Sanger, a self admitted Eugenicist!
- They should have been throwing people in orange jump suits LONG AGO, but have failed to execute warrants on these notable individuals, including MOST of Congress, if not ALL.
- They have LONG been operating without a quorum, OR a majority of final votes counted.
- They keep BAILING OUT THE BANKS, instead of defending the Constitution! (They have the ability to de-fund anything they want).
- They get EXTREMELY good compensation for this job and several benefits besides. This is no longer looked at as "service" to your country in the eyes of the public. They see it as an extremely cushy career with HUGE benefits, that 90% of us will never see.
- They refuse to keep their Oaths of Office and REMOVE all 20,000 "Infringements" of the Natural Right to self defense, also known as the Right to Carry, (Bare Arms). Every gun "law" in America is unlawful.
- They continue to violate most of their Section 8 delegated responsibilities/limitations, including;
- The power to regulate the value of money - (Clause 5), (Now belongs to "The Fed");
- The responsibility to secure our sovereign borders, (Using the Militia) - (Clause 15) a guarentee also secured by Article IV, Section 4;
- Allowing counterfeiting of securities by "the Fed". (They only print debt currency, not a real security. Their "Notes" are not real money and therefore counterfeit) - (Clause 6);
- Allowing a direct violation of their responsibility to keep taxes, "...uniform throughout the United States;", (IRS and "progressive" taxes) - (Clause 1);
- Allowing a distorted and incorrect re-interpretation of the "general welfare" clause to create "Specific Welfare" instead; (Clause 1)
- Allowing a distorted and unconstitutional structure to rise to power under the guise of the "Commerce clause" - (Clause 1), (This was NEVER to be construed to give the federal government "jurisdiction" over the states or the people in regards to every single thing ever sold or traded; this is a power that needs to be squashed immediately);
- Charging money for EVERY step of the patent process - (Clause 8) (Something that should be paid for already, IMHO)
- Bringing the power to "punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas" to "the Land" and not restrict it to the sea as it should. - (Clause 10)
- Allowing our Army, Navy and Marine personnel to be involved in undeclared wars and other involvements in other Nations to please only the bankers, who are funding both sides and protect the "Petro Dollar" in complete violation of their responsibility to actually declare war AND for the right reasons, voted on by 10,900 Representatives, NOT 435;
- Failing "to provide for calling forth the repel invasions;" - (Clause 15); and last but most certainly not least;
- They have COMPLETELY violated the restrictions of Clause 17, (which limits their power to control land to "10 miles square", etc.), by using Agencies of the Executive Branch, (BLM, EPA, IRS, etc.); also a violation.
Is it ANY wonder their approval rating from most surveys of the American public at-large is right around 7% ?
Comments? Questions?
Our elected members to Congress cannot serve both those who elected them and their political parties.
We must have those who represent our ideals under the laws of our Constitution, and not the political ideals of any dictatorial party.