The American Dream has become a Nightmare because the American People have abandoned the principles upon which our nation was founded. We are no longer the United States; we have become the Divided States of America.
Instead of embracing the values that lead to peace, prosperity and freedom, we have collectively turned our back on the message of Jesus Christ and are following a different Gospel. Instead of loving our neighbors, we have been taught to compete with them for the bounties of life.
Today we are taught that we are morally justified to lie, cheat and steal, as long as it's the government doing it for us and as long as we gain materially in the process. We are also taught that by virtue of our humanity, we are entitled to harvest the fruits of another man's labor.
We have subjected ourselves to a myriad of unjust laws which violate our Constitution and the principles of equality and justice. Our government was created as a Republic, but has instead, become an oligarchy consisting of corrupt bankers, lawyers and politicians.
They have turned our schools into lap dog training centers where our children are programmed to become mindless robots, who always do what they are told and love the government. The same government which has stolen our country through constructive fraud.
The billionaires who control the three branches of government through campaign contributions and legalized bribery, commonly known as "lobbying", also control schools, universities and the media. They also control the churches through adhesion contracts and the IRS, the banking industry through fractional banking and the usurious mortgage banking industry, the medical industry through regulations issued by a host of agencies and the addictive pharmacy drugs, the insurance companies and the stock market.
George Washington and James Madison both warned us of the dangers of political factions. By ignoring their counsel, we have allowed political parties to divide the American people into competing groups. Our government "employees" are constantly seeking to pick the pockets of their political opponents before their pockets are picked.
Our government is no longer a republic, it has become an oligarchy of the financial elite instead. They have turned the American Dream into a Nightmare. The financial elite have helped in the process of turning our nation of free men and women into a giant plantation filled with millions of obedient debt slaves.