When Enough IS Enough!
- When does governing cross the line into tyranny?
- When does acting in the name of the people cross the line into stealing from the people?
- When does the regular business of the people fall under "commerce"?
- When does "service" turn into a cash cow?
- When is it ok for the states to declare in one voice that Enough IS Enough?
Whenever a delegate of the people is no longer in service to those people, but instead is the direct sponsor of their demise, it is the right AND the duty of those affected to not only throw off such tyranny, but to provide that such abuses should not happen again.
It is paramount to the very beginning of time that people by right, should be free. When there were no nations and there was only tribal man, there were still rules. Freedom does not automatically translate to anarchy. In tribes across the world still today, there are laws and schooling and recreation and staying healthy and clean, etc.
In short there is LIFE. Life WITHOUT government.
Life without help or interference from "above". Government is an afterthought at best for a fairly run society. It is a direct invention of THE PEOPLE, designed to punish bad people! It is not to be centralized and large in the system we are supposedly using. It is NOT supposed to be Social. It is NOT supposed to embrace Communism. It is NOT supposed to be run like a Democracy. It is NOT supposed to be "One Nation, Under God". Sorry to those of you who think it is. And mostly it is NOT NOT NOT supposed to be embracing the Ten Planks of The Communist Manifesto.
I like this! Any time we have large groups of people, there will be some conflicts. Every human inherently knows right from wrong. The problems begin when we attempt to define the boundaries of what we feel is right and wrong. Then we start to create rules.
Everyone likes games. But what games are the most common? The ones with complex rules or the ones that are very easy to comprehend?
Our particular government has grown out of control. We have so many departments and agencies. We have so many laws, it is said that each of us violate 12 laws every day without knowing it. That's not a good thing!
Then we have regulations, codes, and statutes. What the Hell are they? And more people to enforce them. We have laws that conflict each other. Now what do we do?
We need less government and more accountability to each other. Right now, we have a government that has discovered that they can create revenue through creation of laws. That's NOT what laws were intended for. Now we need to try and turn off the gravy train.
The courts we have are Commerce Courts. We don't belong in them.
We are De Jure Humans,
And you are exactly correct. We do not belong in their courts. We need to establish jural societies.