----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


Contrary to what most people think, the Supreme Court is not the final arbiter of what is and what is not Constitutional. The people are supposed to be the master and the three branches of the federal government were created to be our servants. We are the employer; the government is our employee.

We are the Fourth Branch of government. They are the first three branches attached to and created for the protection of, that Fourth Branch. The three representational branches of government are doing just that; representing us and our FREE WILL. They were not put there to CONTROL freedom, they were created by US to protect it.

Employers do not let their employees determine when there is a violation of the terms of their employment. Why should the people let their government; created to protect our birth rights, tell them what those rights are?

The Constitution is a rule book that defines what Congress and the President cannot do, not just what they can. When it is necessary to determine whether an act is Constitutional, or not, it is the responsibility of the people and the actual codified regulations in the USC's  to be the final arbiter of the law.

It is the responsibility of our Congressional Representatives to determine whether a bill under consideration is, or is not, Constitutional. When a bill is presented to the President, it is his job to confirm that the legislation does not violate the Constitution. If it is deemed unconstitutional in his opinion, it is his duty to veto it. If in final review by the House, it is determined to be unconstitutional in any way, it should then be rejected.

The Supreme Court has assumed the authority to determine what is and what is not Constitutional. This authority was NOT granted to the court in Article III.

Judicial Review is a power the court granted to itself in an opinion written by Chief Justice John Marshall in the Case of Marbury V. Madison, 1803.

The Supreme Court is authorized to settle disputes between the states and disputes between the Legislative and Executive branches of government, when there is a conflict between one and the other. They USE the Constitution to determine their findings. They do not INTERPRET it, as Marbury V. Madison would have you believe.

Congress has the Constitutional authority to limit which issues the court is permitted to adjudicate. The Supreme Court is not authorized to consider any issue outside of this jurisdiction. Abortion, Gay Marriage, Health Care, Education and Laws related to Drug Enforcement are all issues outside of the court's jurisdiction.

If our Representatives in Congress fail to represent us properly, we have a right and a duty to replace them. We can do it every two years if we wish. JUST VOTE!

Hint people - Only HALF of registered voters even show up. And those are the high numbers. In other elections, as little as 25% turnouts are common.

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  • Well said, and I would add this—there is no jurisdiction in Art. III for the courts to hear immigration cases at all. Clearly defined immigration and alien terminology should be all that is needed for ICE to do its job, and no court is needed after ICE is authorized to shoot do what is necessary at the border and to return illegals to their own country.

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