----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • You have to remove all Corruption in government, greed and power in Washington D.C. Set new standards which will require them to be accountable & responsible for their actions, balance the budget, flat taxes, put term limits in, remove both parties, and renew our nation under (God), Masters and hope. They will renew us back under our Constitutions once again.

    • You cannot get rid of the greed without getting rid of the money. The District of Columbia is the breeding ground of crime and corruption. Professional criminals otherwise known as bankers, lawyers and politicians go there to feast of the American people. As long as our monetary system is controlled by foreign bankers we will forever be the debt slaves of those who control the issuance of our money.

  • I believe there should be a bounty on every politician's head that turns away from our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Rule of Law.  This would include any politician who has served more than two terms in office. It would not be long before every politician would be serving America and this once again would be a great nation demanding respect.

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