----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

William H. Keen's Rebuttal

I am sorry to have to disagree with you but I feel that a much worse problem exists and it should be much easier to cure.

By re-publishing the 13th Amendment and then ENFORCING it, the majority of the crimes in Congress would be eliminated.  After all, the sole reason for the War of 1812 was to prevent this Bill from becoming Public Law.  BAR = British Accredited Registry (or similar wording) is a direct link to the City of London who is the source for Agenda 21 and whose goal is the eradication of 80% of the world population.

Treason is the worst possible public offense and is punishable by HANGING.  By hanging all of the attorneys in Washington D.C., we would be making the whole world a better place to live.

Does this mean that I think that all attorneys are BAD PEOPLE?  No!  But all attorneys in Washington D.C. ARE BAD PEOPLE!  They have given up their personal lives to become RICH by extorting money from everyone.

Everyone who has decided to become a professional politician has done so with the intent of getting rich at the public trough.

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  • Are you also saying that all SCOTUS should be hanged as well? Judges are attorneys while not all attorneys are judges. Just thought you might want to clarify. As angry as we all are about the neglect of the principles of this country's founders and what they wrote in to law, hanging might be going a bit too far.

    If the BAR associated persons (attorneys) were forced from office, lost their pensions and gratuities, I think that would suffice. In other words, "go get a real job" instead of plundering the cash cow for ever and ever.

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