----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

If the Mafia decided to elect a new leader for their crime syndicate and you were given the opportunity to vote, would you? Do you think that voting for a Gambino rather than a Bonanno would make any difference?


The elections we hold every two years are an absolute joke. They are an illusion designed to make us think we have a choice. In fact an election is the best way to conceal tyranny. When the candidates that are elected serve the bankers and the financial elite, we the people are cornered into a choice between which of the criminals gets to rule and reign over us.

8575448700?profile=originalA man who gets to elect his own dictator is not FREE!
When you cast your ballot you are giving the tyrants your consent.
When you vote all you get to decide is who will be the masters on the Federal Plantation.

8575499876?profile=originalIf voting truly made a difference Congress would make it illegal.


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  • There is more to the American process of placing an elected government employee into a government position than the election. The election must be held for the safe guard to work. Sadly, many American People don't have a clue to how the system works, so of course, most of the People bitch about the wrong thing. It is OK to elect a criminal, in fact, that is to be expected. That is why there are requirements for fidelity bonding as part of the qualification requirements for our government employees. If the People elect a criminal, because a candidate lied during the campaign period, these crimes will be discovered during the vetting period as the newly elected criminal seeks the required bond from a legal insurance provider. If the insurance company does a good job investigating the newly elected candidate and discovers a criminal past, they can refuse to sell the bond and the candidate can not be sworn in due to lack of qualification. If the insurance company allows the criminal to enter office, any crime will trigger a claim for relief causing the for profit insurance company stockholders to suffer a financial loss. 

    Currently there are thousands of these non bonded criminals in government positions across the united States and that is what needs to be exposed. I am working on this exposure in my community, with the documents I have gathered for the last few years. Have you got the qualification documents on your elected government employees? Sadly, many Americans know so little about their government and how it is set up, they can't find the problem so they bitch about the wrong thing. 

    Ironically, the election process is the perfect system to let any community expose government corruption. For example, my community has a guy named David White and he is as crocked as a hounds hind leg. He is a real estate vulture and behind some of our communities largest illegal development schemes and our courthouse contains thousands of recorded documents to prove that statement. 

    He ran for county commissioner and I voted for him and he won the election. My goal was for him to suffer the embarrassment of exposure of his criminal past causing his bond to be revoked leading to his removal from office. That is how the system is set up, but that is not how the system was worked.

    As the People weren't paying attention, he proposed a county resolution to substitute a certificate of participation in lieu of the required bond, which passed a commissioner vote. The scheme was so illegal, he was the only one to eventually sign it before it was recorded without the People's knowledge in the county courthouse. 

    Then to get rid of the county treasury funds ear-marked for the insurance company for the bond, he had the insurance funds sent to a holding company not authorized to sell insurance. I have a report from the united States Securities and Exchange Commission stating after an extensive search of the S.E.C.data base, no information exists for this holding company to legally sell insurance. Instead of David being throw out of office as a criminal, the Colorado B.A.R. union member D.A. is refusing to prosecute him for fraud. 

    Last week I visited the Colorado Secretary of State office and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation office to report these documents and today I will be re-opening an existing investigation to expose lack of office qualification. The holding company is registered as a non profit in Colorado and not a provider of high quality insurance products, so this commissioner's order to send our government insurance money to this holding company is another crime.

    I could use one other person with the documents of fraud on their elected employees so I could establish a wide spread situation, but here we sit bitching instead.

    Skype me if you have a question. I need to get with the C.B.I. and get the investigation back in motion.

    I would up-load files if I thought anyone would learn to understand their importance.

    Jim Porter

    Ridgway, Colorado

  • Disappearing Posts
  • mac Sperry
    So why not change it! We know what the problem is, it's the loss of the ability to ."verify" the vote. Something that rode in on the coattails of the Secret Ballot.

    There are two new methods of reversing the problem. The best is the "Retro-Vva"
    It takes four hours start to finish, even if a national election. It is ad hoc. Government is completely out of the loop. It's inexpensive. No, it's downright "cheap". It's irrefutable. No computers. No ID issues. No "chain of custody" issues.

    It is so robust that any registrars count that disagrees with one would have to be thrown out in a just court of law. If the court is unjust it then automatically moves to the next court. The court of public opinion.

    That court will force the people to WAKE UP!!!!!!!

    See the first article at: http://howtorescueamerica.org
    • This a new subject that I am interested in knowing more about.

      This tact may address election fraud, say a candidate's ability to be properly entered on the ballot for public consideration, or to negate votes for a write in choice not eligible for the position.

      But if a successful candidate fails to secure the qualification requirements for a position, the inauguration is illegal, not the election. There seems to be two different government actions of election monitoring through certification, and the establishment of legal qualification(s).

      Further debate is requested, thanks for your valuable input Mac.

  • Keith

    There is a big "Delete" button that shows up in the upper right corner. Then my post disappears. One l from last night and on this morning.

    Do you know what this is?
  • I don't bother voting unless it's an important issue such as taxes, and bond measures and I always vote no in such matters, the Government has lots of cash on hand, they have it hidden in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, which many people, even Government employee's don't know what the CAFR is or that every single agency the the State has to file one every year.

    The last election which I missed voting in because it was for fluff government elected Jobs and everyone who was running ran unopposed, so it wasn't an election, it was an appointed position "election" and these people have little to no experience in Government. I'm not at this time even registered to vote, and if I do it will be as an independent.

    I would love to see making voting illegal, then we could fire congress as we would have no need of them. They can't pass a budget, so to quote Hillary "what differance does it make?" if they can't do their jobs? It turns out with no surprise that it really doesn't matter if they don't read the bills before they vote on them because it's all a matter of Corporate Government where it doesn't matter if they read the bills before they vote or not. The decision prior to the vote has already been made, and their vote is of no matter anymore. A dog and pony show is what we have and it's a damn expensive one at that.

    What if we held an election and no one was running because there is no Government of the people anymore? The way it's going, we're already there.

  • And just how are you going enlist 15,000 people to do the group counting on the votes being tallied? A draft? Logistically it is impossible to force people to do something against their will, and for that reason alone your plan fails to disclose exactly how your going to compel people to volunteer to do this tally? The next thing your going to suggest is it is their "duty" to do so, just like the Courts do with voter's who are registered and then sucked into Jury duty. The easiest way to get out of such a "duty" is to convict the innocent and free the guilty and be up front about how you intend to vote while on jury duty. Juries can nullify any law they don't feel is just, and they do it more often the Judges like, but Judges also instruct the jury on how they are to decide a verdict, and that is most assuredly jury tampering by it's own definition. I didn't see how you would draft such persons to do the tally, so that right there is a failure to disclose in your plan on how your going to compel people to do this counting your so keen on happening. So it's back to the drafting board again.  

  • What would compel people to vote?

    Mr Rhodes
    You mentioned above "I don't bother voting unless it's an important issue such as taxes, and bond measures"

    If it doesn't work, then why do you do it? The point is that you do. Most other people feel it doesn't work and yet they slovingly do it anyway.

    Well, what if people suddenly realize "this is the solution"? They realize that they can take it all back in only four hours?

    First, the R-Vva is voluntary, just like voting. If they voluntarily do something they suspect doesn't work, then why wouldn't they do something that would work?

    Second, there is precedence for what the reaction of the citizens of this nation would be if they come to believe their vote is solid.

    In 1824 the common people got the vote. From that election forward thru the 1892 election turnout was typically in excess of 90 percent.

    By 1896 the people realized the vote was gone. The turnout was only 70 percent that year. And by 1920 it was less than 50 percent.

    This precedent clearly demonstrates that people will do what'd best for themselves, IF they believe it will work.

    There is every reason to believe the turnout could return to 90 percent with the return of a foolproof method of verifying the integrity of the vote.
    • Why I choose to vote or not, is my own business, and I most assuredly don't have to explain why to anyone.

      Does your R-Vva run back ground checks to make sure no one from any political Party is included from your manual count to assure we don't end up with corruption by a group whose leanings favor a certain party or candidate? If not, why not? This is NOT the 1800's and the population today is Far FAR larger then it was in even 1896 or 1920. And how are you going convince people the candidates are worth voting for even if the vote is correctly tallied? You see the problem isn't that simple, and I am not into trusting a politician no matter what party they belong to.

      And you mentioned the one factor that will blow your tally system out of the water: "IF they believe..." What happens if the voters don't believe?

      Faith based systems are bound to fail, just like the Federal Reserve Banking System is today. Our economy requires faith in the Government to make it work, after that we are required to have faith in God to float our economy and even that doesn't work for long. Chances are your so in love with your idea, you will still not see the flaws in the idea of faith, and it is no way to run a country, unless your into Sharia law and going to convert to Islam that is...then your really in trouble.

      Beliefs are fleeting things, and they can change faster then you change your underpants. The only thing that doesn't change faster then the speed of light are the laws of Physics and since the laws of physics given the current technology can't be changed nothing can exceed the speed of light, so I would venture trust in my fellow man is a bit short right now, and it don't expect it to change any time soon, like for the rest of my life. I wasn't born yesterday, or in the year 1896, so things might have been different, but not by much...

    • Yeah I know what will compel people to vote, you simply make it a crime not to vote and then foist off a phony canidate and your there! Like that is going to work, maybe shooting them if they don't vote will do the trick. You CANNOT LAWFULLY COMPEL people to vote. Get over it... And no amount of talking about it is going to work either.

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