----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


Every man, woman and child in America is either a part time or full time employee of the UNITED STATES. Your Social Security Card is your employee identification number and the Social Security benefits that have been promised to be paid is your government sponsored retirement plan.

We are slaves on the Federal Plantation as a result of the ratification of the14th Amendment. All of the people that had previously been citizens of the state where they were born became Citizens of the United States. A Citizen under the 14th Amendment is anyone born in the United States that is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

Anyone that had been granted unalienable rights from his Creator was a sovereign and was only subject to his Creator. With the 14th Amendment the unalienable rights that were a gift from God became privileges issued by the government. It became impossible for anyone that was a citizen of the UNITED STATES to have unalienable rights.   
The process of changing our Constitutional Republic into a Corporate Democracy gained substantial momentum in 1860, when President Lincoln decided that creating an empire was the Union was more important that preserving the Constitution. When he declared martial law and suspended habeas corpus he became a military dictator. 
With the fraudulent passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments Congress continued the process of the stage was set for the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people. In 1871 Congress created a corporation and named it the UNITED STATES. This entity was a corporate fiction created to do business as the UNITED STATES.  
Over the years this corporation has systematically dismantled our Republic and stolen the sovereignty of the people by fraud and deceit. Our unalienable rights are now privileges that our elected officials use to reward the special interest groups that fund their re-election campaigns. 
The Constitution was written to protect the people from an abusive government. It was not written to protect the financial elite that would use the government steal the wealth from the American people. When we obtain birth certificates, social security cards, driver's licenses, marriage licenses and when we register to vote or fill out a 1040, we are entering into an adhesion contract with the Corporate UNITED STATES. These contracts place us under the jurisdiction of the corporate UNITED STATES and remove us from protection of the Constitution.

The authority of the President to issue Executive Orders is not in the Constitution. He only has the authority to administer over Federal Employees. If you have a Social Security Card, you are a Federal Employee and subject his jurisdiction

George Washington was the Father of Our Country, but Abraham Lincoln was the Father of Our Government.

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  • I guess Obamas fascination with Lincoln is that he too would love to be that guy The Dictator.

  • This is an absolutely excellent article. I wish everybody understood it. I only have one disagreement, and it is just as it applies to me personally. It is not "my" government, as I have abandoned "ship", literally, for anyone who comprehends the courtrooms in this country, and the flags that hang in them. The gold fringe flag is NOT the flag of the united States of America. It is the Maritime flag, is only supposed to be used on ships, and only for commerce, but was unjustly adopted as the military flag, so they could get away with using it on land, which is what is going on in the courtrooms. The judge is the captain of the ship, which is what the railing represents, that the gate hangs on. When you go through the gate, you are symbolically boarding the captains ship, where he rules supreme, in which he "may"(?) suspend all of your God given rights that the Constitution of the united (note small "u", not U) States of America is supposed to protect by keeping government employees, PUBLIC SERVANTS, in line. The UPPER CASE U did not emerge on the scene until the "corporate" UNITED STATES, AKA United States, was created, and America was left off. That is how you know which entity is being referred to. The Republic will be, if someone knows what they are doing, united States of America. United was not a noun, but an adjective, if I recall my terminology properly. It described the States, but was not being used as a noun. United in the corporate world is being used as the actual name, as a trick for society, in my personal opinion, so the average individual wouldn't notice what was going on.  

  • You got it!! Lincoln was one of my favorite presidents until I found out what REALLY happened, and I think that is what Obama is playing on, the ignorance of society, and that is why it is so important for us to get re-educated. Lincoln is an illegitimate descendant of the Rothschild family, which is not their real name. His mother is one of their daughters, and it is not one of their real names. See what you get when you let bastards run the country!! Hitler was one also. They got the name back in the mid 1700s when grandpa Rothschild hung a "red shield" over his office door, and the family has used it as a cover name ever since. There were two sides of Lincoln's mouth. He spoke out of one side in the public, and the other side behind closed doors. He has been noted as saying (behind closed doors) that if it were up to him, he would not have freed the slaves (which he, in reality didn't. He enslaved everybody without them knowing it). Out in public, he defended the Constitution. It kind of reminds me of modern presidents, especially Bushes, Clinton, Carter, and the worst of them, Obama. If there is a next, he will probably be worse yet.
    Alfred E. Viggiani said:

    I guess Obamas fascination with Lincoln is that he too would love to be that guy The Dictator.

  • If all inherent political power resides in We the People to self-govern,then we are the lawful,de jure form of gov't and Abraham Lincoln would be the father of our de facto gov't-exceeding thier constitutional authority beyond the bounds of its jurisdiction.

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