All Discussions (3261)
Edward J. Robin - The Truth About That
Message to The Members from Edward J. Robin
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Repeal the Federal Reserve Act
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 clearly violates the Constitution. In Article II it was mandated that Congress would have the exclusive authority to issue our money and regulate its value.
In 1913 Congress passed legislation that transferred the aut
Read more…Quotes from the Founding Fathers
Click on the Founding Fathers to Hear What They Had to Say
Liberty Tree
We would like to invite you to use this website to educate yourself of the Constitution and the principles of liberty. We would also like to ask you to share this website with all of your friends and neighbors.">The Constitution was written to crea
Read more…Federal Versus National
The laws of the Federal government are supreme only if they do not
violate the rights of the states mandated in the Constitution
Principles of Liberty
1 The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is Natural Law.
2 A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong.
3 The most promising method of securing a virt