The Great Fraud!
Here's an idea for you. Let's make a questionnaire designed to trap people in their own ignorance. For instance maybe one about recycling, etc. like so, sample questionnaire:
Recycling - Yes or Know?
Here's an idea for you. Let's make a questionnaire designed to trap people in their own ignorance. For instance maybe one about recycling, etc. like so, sample questionnaire:
Recycling - Yes or Know?
I would like to suggest that all red blooded Americans who love and liberty and justice should step up to the plate to support the millions of prisoners who have been unjustly incarcerated for committing a victimless crime.
I suggest that we hold ra
Read more…Who Do You Trust?
At the time of the American Revolution the majority of the colonist were not in support of the revolution. They either remained loyal to the King or they simply did not want to risk what they had. It was the courageous few that that took up arms to d
Read more…Click on the Capitol Dome for more information
The members of the House of Representatives receive a travel allowance that averages over 1.3 million dollars to travel to and from Washington D.C. That adds up to a grand total of 565 million dollars.
Read more…The District of Criminals
Corruption on Capitol Hill is “worse than you think,” Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo.,insists.
“When you first get here, you think that you are in some sort of fairy-tale novel,” Buck said. “They wine and dine you and they show you
Read more…Whether you know it or not, you are all being brainwashed by the government through the media.
Our children are like floppy disks that are being programmed to be obedient lap dogs. Children are expected to obey authority and to never question author
Read more…I Can Prove It!
And you can't prove me wrong!
If you think you have a good handle on the world and reality, think again. You have fallen down the rabbit hole and your world is upside down and I can prove it and I won't be proven wrong.
You are being
Read more…In order to prevent Communist sympathizers from immigrating to the United States, Congress passed the McCarren-Walter Immigration Act which prohibited anyone linked to organizations that promoted ideas that were contrary to our Constitution. Anyone w
Read more…Articles presented on this web site are written by Michael Badnarik either for this web site or for other publications that are noted in the article.
We don't need tp reinvent the wheel and we don't need to re-write the Constitution. The idea that we need to amend the Constitution is based on the premise that the problems we face today are due to a flawed document.
The remedy to heal America is to
Read more…Unfortunately there are many liberty minded individuals who are being led like lambs to the slaughter because of their inability to distinguish between what is true and what is not. Rather than studying the facts and drawing their own conclusions, th
Read more…Our next call will be on Monday, February 27, 2017
8:00 AM - 10 AM Central Standard Time
Wake Up America
Phone # 712-451-0640
Click on this image
The Nation of Israel mentioned in the Bible refers to the descendants of Jacob, not the government that was established in 1948 by the Rothschilds family. Descendants of Jacob who live anywhere on earth are among the people of th
Read more…In order to rehabilitate our government we need to blow the whistle when we see crimes being committed by government officials. When agents of the government violate their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution we need to hold them acc
Read more…Those that seek to enslave us have been able to achieve their objective with our consent by creating the illusion that we are free. By controlling the media and the public schools, they are able to control our minds and convince us that we are free.
Read more…So you think you know Donald Trump!
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*Info on your new pres. *
My basic premise is simple…Mitt Romney, candidate for President 2012 cannot be eligible for President because his entire family converted to Mexican citizenship and relinquished their US Citizenship.
Above is a pedigree chart first showing GEORGE RO
This is the answer to Who is John Galt? Does that mean that we should all join him? You tell me.
Watch this Video!
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