----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

This is What Tyranny Looks Like!

Just because they say it's for the children, or they tell you it will make you safer, doesn't mean it will. But it looks as though that is exactly what the folks of Deerfield, Illinois think will happen.

Here's the Story.

Rulemakers in the village of Deerfield, Illinois, ​have voted unanimously to ban semi-automatic rifles, along with pistols and shotguns "with certain features." Deerfield also voted to ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. 

The ban passed Monday night outlaws any weapon the village leaders deem "assault weapons", including AR-15s. But the ban also includes “semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with certain features.”

The new ordinance takes effect June 13th. Residents who still have banned weapons after that date face up to $1,000 fines per day.

The new ordinance was modeled on a ban put in place in Highland Park, Illinois, which went to the United States Supreme Court. The high court let a lower court ruling stand, allowing the ban remain.

Opponents said the ban would make residents less safe, ABC reported. 

"You are the bureaucrats that Thomas Jefferson warned us about," said Deerfield resident Dan Cox.

Show of hands.

How many of you think this is right?

How many of you think you were born for a time like this?

Welcome to The Revolution!

This is what it looks like!

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  • My reply is this I refuse to feed those bottom feeders as in litigators, this upcoming October it will be 42 years since I was charged and sentenced for vandalism exceeding $20,000 a Class D felony and rather than drop that from the criminal record book restoring my 2nd amendment rights I am expected to pay an attorney to fill out and submit motion papers to a judge asking them to have my record expunged.

    • The Plaintiff Must Appear

      Demand proof that an actual living, breathing, flesh and blood human being ever showed up to stand beside you in court! The "plaintiff", in your (And almost every other) situation, is always a fictional entity, [aka the state, county, town, etc, etc, etc you live in] and therefore can never show up to stand beside you in court. In your situation (and pretty much 100% of everyone else, as well) no actual physical human being ever stood oposite you in court. [The prosecutor attorney can NOT take the place of the "plaintiff". Why? Because the state is not a human being and you - have the RIGHT to face your living, breathing flesh & blood accuser - NOT, THE ACCUSER'S RESPRESENTATIVE! The legal maxim to always quote is "the plaintiff must appear." (If you - the defendant demand it) They made the rules. It's beautiful. It works 100% of the time!

  • Maybe this will encourage the living men and women to do what I have done after years of research.  I removed my dead body from the Defacto fake government by recording my Status as an American State National first and now I am an American State Citizen with claimed rights to bear arms open or concealed.  I am completely out of the Defact Gov jurisdiction...I am under God's Law and common Law and they..the Defacto government can not tell me what to do or even fine me.   MAYBE THOSE INVOLVED CAN NOW LEARN THE LESSON THAT I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT.  OR THEY CAN JUST  DO AS THEY ARE TOLD.   HOW MANY OF THOSE CITIZENS/SLAVES THOUGHT I WAS JOKING ABOUT GETTING OUT OF THE DEFACTO FAKE LEGAL SYSTEM?  IT IS THEIR OWN FAULT FOR NOT LISTENIING AND TAKING ACTION!  WILL THEY LISTEN NOW????????????   IT IS THERE CHOICE ON HOW THEY WANT TO LIVE. UNDER CAESAR OR UNDER GOD.   MAKE SURE THEY READ THIS BECAUSE IT IS ALL UP TO THEM AND THEIR CHOICE.  Son of the American Revolution....American State Citizen under God's Law and Common Law...A Citzen of the United States of America started in 1776.

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