----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

We Will Not Comply

This comes to us; Thanks to Joe G. I think it tells us exactly what we need to do.


We need to Stand together or we will surely Hang apart. It is time people. Start taking a stand and my advice.

  1. Pull your children out of the government indoctrination center. It's a trap.
  2. Take ALL of your wealth out of ANY bank account that requires an SSN to open it. It's a trap.
  3. Drop the use of your S.S.N. altogether. No exceptions. It's a trap.
  4. Return the state-owned registration, plate, stickers, license to "drive, etc. to their rightful owner; the state. It's a trap. 
  5. Travel down the road together as one, without it. It's a trap
  6. And certainly not last, REFUSE TO COMPLY with ANY unconstitutional edict. It's a trap!

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  • Patriots will rise - When?

    Wonderful advice- now tell people how? since even any doctor will not take you if you don't give them your SSN. Tell us how to drop SSN, license to drive.........

    Thank you


    • Sorry M,

      I didn't mean to insinuate that this article was the answer, but they do exist. Got time?

      It is not that easy to do the things I suggest if done alone. However imagine if we ALL did it ALL at once. Now as to your answers. Start HERE with the IRS info I wrote about. Then go HERE and HERE and see if it helps with protecting your property.

      When your done there, see if THIS or even THIS helps you figure out who you are. Then after that, take a look at THIS for info on traveling without a license. If you still have some ambition left, see if you want to file THESE to stir up the pot a little.

      If you still want to learn more, there is a series of videos by Rich Iverson that are quite informative, but start with THIS.

      I think that's enough to get you started, but the real answer is straight from Nike:

      - "Just do it".

      Then dare them to stop you.

      As far as dropping your SSN, it may not be all that cut and dry, but the traps that are set for us revolve around We the People becoming more and more dependent on that number and what we can get from it. I have already stopped using it, which means No SSN retirement money, No gubmint bennies; EVER. No "Employee" status, etc.

      But remember, "Freedom isn't free and it is not safe, but it is the beginning of true Sovereignty. Good Will Hunting.

  • Yeah , I  agree , but do you really think these cowards will ?

  • To travel is a right, but to drive one must follow driving (community sponsored universal) rules therefore it's a privilege ...so a driver's license, registration, etc. are a necessity.  The question arises who creates these rules, if gov't does then it can be a trap, if communities do then it's always a privilege.

  • There is a civil war being instituted by this tyranny. They have come to the end of their chapter The Dollar lies on the floor and is becoming so tarnished by the feet of the enemy, we can no longer define its true nature as it is the heavy chain placed upon the peoples' necks.

    Now North Com has placed Texas, Utah and part of California as well as a few other Areas, as the enemy to the Country. Lies upon lies as Homeland security and TSA control the Guards from each state and use them as their foot soldiers.

    Check-points to be set up around the nation to start re-education. Now my question to all of you;  What is your plan of operation?

    You don't have to answer me, just create something with friends involved.

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