Morton IX's Articles (97)

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Letter to The Editor


The article by Lee Hamilton in the December 11-12 issue of the MVDN titled Congress seems OK being irrelevant is ever so true. CONGRESS IS IRRELEVANT; the reason being that on March 9, 1933 the united States declared bankruptcy

Dear Sheriff ____________________

Date: _______________


As you know, America's Supreme Law consists of the policies and procedures cited in our nation's Declaration of Independence, Constitution of 1787, and Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, We the

- A F F I D A V I T -

Date: _____ / ______ / ______

I ___________________________________, the undersigned hereafter referred to as Affiant, make this Affidavit of my own free will and I hereby affirm [declare or swear] that I am of legal age and sou

Ladies and gentlemen:

James Madison wrote: "The preservation of a free government requires, not merely that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained, but more especially that neither of them be suffered to


It’s proposed one or more Constitution Club members in every county assume the responsibility for presenting the following to every organized group possible.

Letter from the Editor

Hi Neighbor:
I am (we are) _________________________. I (We) live at
____________________________________ in _______________. I (We) recently found that on 11-22-94 thirty governors alleged "Federal action has exceeded the cl

Unconstitutional Acts Bill

House and/or Senate Joint Resolution _______________.
Introduced by: ___________________


This bill will establish and fund an investigative commission composed of a randomly selected voter chosen by lottery from ea

On 11/22/1994, thirty Republican governors unanimously agreed that “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed to the people”

In the Supreme Court of the United States of America, Washington, D.C.

State of ___________________________

ex rel ______________________________

Case No. ____________________

Attorney General Relator
Mr. Butros Butros Ghali,
Secretary Gener

An Appeal to our Pastors and Religious Leaders


Dear Pastor __________________,

America’s motto is “In God We Trust.” Our national hymn is “God of Our Fathers.” We pledge an allegiance to “one nation, under God…,” Moses symbolically presides over Co

In Process Reviews (IPR)

IPRs are held to determine the progress made toward completion of any given task leading to an objective or the Republic Restoration Initiative goal.

A properly designed plan will identify the objectives and tasks needing to

Political Action Coordinating Conferences ~PACC~

WHY PACCs? No individual or organization can unilaterally win our cultural war of LIBERTY v SLAVERY. Many have tried with little or no success. Yet, their combined influence would create an undeniable

Judicial Accountability & Integrity Legislation

(Judicial Bill Written for Congress)
Filed in the Library of Congress

(a) Preamble.The House of Representatives and Senate Assembled find: that an inordinate and ever-growing number of complaints for

Ballot Box Integrity Bill

Digest: This bill will outlaw the use of voting machines and provide a procedure for insuring the integrity of the ballot box. State Senator Don Rogers submitted this bill to California’s Legislative Counsel to prepare it fo

It’s self-evident government has ignored its Constitutionally prescribed authority. The need to assure only
knowledgeable and courageous candidates with integrity be elected has never been greater. This demands all
candidates be thoroughly vetted.

Fellow Americans: 11/10/07

The greatest honor one can bestow on a veteran is to help her or him protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Likewise, the greatest disrespect one can show a veteran is to obstruct their e

An open reply to the “Veterans Today”

“As RussiaGate gets closer to outing Trump, do you expect him to call on followers to rise and fight a civil war?”

I wouldn’t expect Mr. Trump to make such a call and should he do so, it wouldn’t change a thing.

To Our Vets
Dear fellow Veterans:
Each of us took an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution for the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic…”. Thanks to you, we successfully defended it from our foreign enemies. Sadly,
Freedom Fighters or Mercenaries?
From May 13, 1884 until 10/5/62 military enlistees took this oath, "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United Sta