Letter to The Editor


The article by Lee Hamilton in the December 11-12 issue of the MVDN titled Congress seems OK being irrelevant is ever so true. CONGRESS IS IRRELEVANT; the reason being that on March 9, 1933 the united States declared bankruptcy via the Emergency Banking Act. The bankruptcy was the result of the unconstitutional and ungodly Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which gave a privately owned and deceitfully named banking system known as the FED the power to create what we call money out of nothing and force us to pay (compound) interest on it.

By definition, money has several characteristics; one being that it's a storehouse of value. What we us as money are instruments of debt; Federal Reserve Notes if you please. According to the Department of Treasury the actual creation of money always involves the extension of credit by private commercial banks. When asked where the money to pay the interest on the borrowed money was to come from the Department replied: "Money to pay the interest on borrowed money comes from the same source other money comes from."

The compounding of the interest on our debts is why we now owe well over $100 trillion in private and public debt; a debt that is impossible to pay under the present monetary policy.

The two major provisions of the Emergency Banking Act were:

  1. It upgraded the Trading with the Enemies Act of 1917 and made “we the people” official enemies of the Federal government and
  2. It gave the Presidency dictatorial powers.

This is why Obama and his predecessors dating back to Franklin D. Roosevelt have been able to ignore Art. I, Sec. 1 of the Constitution which says:

"All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Since 1933 Presidents have been able to rule the country via Executive Orders, Presidential Decision Directives etc. So now you know why CONGRESS IS IRRELEVANT. - Lee Hamilton

Letter to the Editor - 12/11/15
Subject: Irrelevancy of Congress
Contact: Walter Myers @ (785) 766-3045

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Walter Myers

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