Content Outline

Teams/Chapters of the RRI

  • National Leadership Team
  • National Implementation Team
  • Objective Pursuit Teams
  • Legal Initiative Team
  • Legislative Initiative Team
  • State Chapters
  • County Chapters
  • Local Chapters

Affiliated organizations – This will be a list of the organizations agreeing to network with others on issues and actions of mutual interest.

Adopted organizations - These are organizations whose programs can beneficial to the RRI and which the RRI finds worthy of support.

Informative writings following are writings the RRI finds beneficial to people's understanding of America's problem and its solution.

  • The why, what and how of the RRI *
  • RRI organization structure *
  • America, a post Christian nation *
  • Letter to gun owners *
  • Declaration of demands *
  • Options and actions 2 *
  • RRI local chapter action*
  • Money mechanics *
  • Summary of plan *
  • Steps to freedom *
  • RRI Objective Pursuit Teams (rri opts) *
  • County Sheriff Mandamus *
  • Communist and Humanist Manifestos *
  • RRI's history *
  • Immigration *
  • Dismantling of the Republic *
  • A dream *
  • Disgusting and distasteful truths *
  • The way it is *
  • State controlled churches *
  • Hypocrisy & sin *
  • lost 13th amendment *
  • Do's and dont's *
  • The American Sovereignty Restoration Act
  • Truths to live by *
  • Bankruptcy of the united States *
  • Dear Gov. Brewer Letter *


Law Enforcement

  • Veterans flyer *
  • Veterans appeal *
  • ltr re veterans today question *
  • a message for all law enforcement personnel *
  • Vets.08 *
  • Veterans prayer *
  • Veterans; defenders of Liberty *

Helpful Tools 14 total

  • candidate questionnaire *
  • ballot box integrity bill *
  • jury box integrity bill
  • Political Action Coordinating Conferences *
  • In Process Reviews (IPRs) *
  • Pastor appeal *
  • Boesel lawsuit *
  • Bill re unconstitutional acts *
  • High neighbor *
  • Toastmaster presentation *
  • Toastmaster presentation 2 *
  • Affidavit re monetary policy *
  • Ltr to Sheriff #2 *
  • Ltr to editor re Congress irrelevancy

Position Papers

  • rri position paper #1 *
  • rri position paper #2 *


  • debt reduction 2 *
  • 2nd amendment model resolution *
  • rri resolution on Right to Life *
  • rri Resolution re education *
  • rri res re spec prosecutor *
  • rri resolution on grand juries *
  • rri resolution re LAST *
  • rri City fact finding resolution *
  • rri city res re Constitutions status *
  • city-county resolution re $ policy *
  • County resolution to protect rights*
  • rri res re LE *
  • rre res re a fact finding commission *

Special Projects Officers - none


E-mail me when people leave their comments –

Walter Myers

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