Letter from the Editor

Dear Gov. Brewer, Sen. Gould, Rep. McLain, Rep. Goodale:

I listened to President Obama's 7/25/11 speech on the "debt crisis." In my opinion, either he and members of Congress don't understand monetary policy or they intend to surreptitiously and intentionally drive Americans further into poverty.

In the paper below you will find why I believe government expenses, with the exception of paying the interest on our debts, could be completely eliminated and our debt would continue to grow at an exponential rate. This - as I see it - is a mathematical certainty.

As a representative of mine in some capacity, please tell me why my math is wrong and if it isn't, I ask that you act to put a stop to this madness. Will you? And if so, how?


Dear Ms. Farrington: please pass this on to Rep. Franks and ask him to also respond to the above request.


Walter L Myers

To whom it may concern,

On 2-18-10 President Obama signed an executive order creating the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. The Commission’s mission statement says in part “the Commission shall propose recommendations designed to balance the budget, excluding interest payments on the debt, by 2015.” (my emphasis)

Clearly, the Commission can’t honor the statement saying everything is on the table if “interest payments” are off limits. America’s debts and the interest on them are the result of a mathematically unstable monetary policy adopted by the privately owned, deceitfully named bank called the Federal Reserve System (FED). This ungodly and unconstitutional policy is largely responsible for most of America’s woes; including those related to our economy. The reasons for this are explained in the following.


Whereas, on 2-28-10 President Obama issued an Executive Order creating a National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform “to confront the nation's growing debt in the face of congressional inaction” and

Whereas, it's mathematically impossible for Americans to repay their debts under current monetary policy in which, according to the Dept. of Treasury, “the actual creation of money always involves the extension of credit by private commercial banks” and “money to pay the interest on borrowed money comes from the same source as other money comes from” and

Whereas, the Commission’s mission statement says: “the Commission shall propose recommendations designed to balance the budget, excluding interest payments on the debt" and;

Whereas, so long as current monetary policy is perpetuated, all government expenditures could be eliminated with the exception of the interest on the "money" (debt) created from nothing by the privately owned, deceitfully named, un constitutional bank known as the FED and our un payable debt would continue to increase at an exponential rate and;

Whereas, it’s urgent and essential an honest evaluation of America’s “economic crises” be conducted leading to the development and implementation of a National Economic Recovery Program based upon solid mathematical principles and an “America first“ policy, and;

Whereas, such an evaluation must consider returning America to a wealth based system of money creation and implementing SECTON 31 of the Federal Reserve Act which clearly states, “the right to amend, alter, or repeal this Act is expressly reserved.”

Be it Resolved, I request Governor Brewer, Sen. Gould, Rep. McLain, and Rep. Goodale recognize that as a Principal to the Constitution, the state of Arizona, like every other state, is responsible for the proper interpretation and implementation of the Constitution ordained on 9/17/1789 and that they assure a committee of randomly chosen voters having subpoena power be appointed to carry out the mission of the President’s Commission with the exception that everything, including the interest payments on the Nation’s debts, are on the table so that a meaningful and mathematically correct debt reduction proposal can be provided the Congress.

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Walter Myers

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