Republic Restoration (21)

A letter from Osama bin Laden to Americans before he was murdered
Notes: by Walter Myers, author: To Tame a Tyrant
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the American people, Peace be upon those who follow the righteous track.
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Letter from Walter Myers

Fellow Americans: 11/10/2007

The greatest honor one can bestow on a veteran is to help her or him protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Likewise, the greatest disrespect one can show a vet

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Content Outline

Teams/Chapters of the RRI

  • National Leadership Team
  • National Implementation Team
  • Objective Pursuit Teams
  • Legal Initiative Team
  • Legislative Initiative Team
  • State Chapters
  • County Chapters
  • Local Chapters

Affiliated organizations – This

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RRI - Organizational Structure Outline


Advisors & National Leadership Team

  • Dr. Cook
  • Walter Myers
  • Clyde Cleveland

National Implementation Team

  • State Coordinators
  • County Coordinators
  • Local RRI Teams

Adopted Organizations 

  • Network America
  • Consti
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Dear Fellow Americans: 11/10/07,

The greatest honor one can bestow on a veteran is to help her or him protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Likewise, the greatest disrespect one can show a veteran is to obstruct t

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Welcome to the RRI
----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


The Republic Restoration Initiative (RRI) is the only ongoing effort known to have a comprehensive written plan dedicated to restoring "to the States and the people the prerog

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Prerequisites for participating in the

Political Action Coordinating Conference (PACC)

Dedicated to Resoring our Republic

To help assure the PACC achieves its objectives it’s necessary attendees agree on the need to satisfy the
following 11 items a

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Possible Invitees to a PACC

  • John Chambers, john@johnmichaelcham;
  • Mike Lyndell,;
  • Kari Lake,
  • General Mike Flynn,
  • Sheriff Mark Lamb,;
  • Sheriff David Clarke,
  • Pastor Bill Cook,;
  • Darrell
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The RRI is composed of a number of teams; each having a mission that is vital to the RRI’s success.

These teams and their mission are:


The members of the Republic

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The Banker's Manifesto

Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. revealed the Bankers Manifesto of 1892 to the U. S. Congress circa 1907-1917.

BANKERS MANIFESTO OF 1892 - “We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lowe

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The Original 13th Amendment

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any

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~A Declaration of American Sovereign Authority~

~The Surrender of the Separation of Power Doctrine~

As was the desire of our Founding Fathers for Independence in 1776, so it is the desire and the obligation of We The People in The Year of Our Lord 20

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Do’s and Don’ts

Many people are jumping on the bandwagon of single and/or limited issue organizations in search of a solution to America’s problems. This is a mistake as the restoration of America’s Republic is contingent on the successful resolution

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The Way It Is

FACT - Every identifiable elected official has - and continues - to adhere to the central bankers and their minions who are at the heart of America's problems. No known elected official has made any effort to bring monetary policy into

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A Dream
Though time has rendered much of this obsolete the “dream” persists.
9/18/04 (updated 3/17/08)
FROM: Walter Myers (
SUBJECT:  The VISION behind the plan FOR TAKING
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Is Government's Inaction Legal or a Criminal Act?

BACKGROUND - Many people are concerned over the Federal government’s failure to act to stop the flow of immigrants into the United States. This raises the question: are those responsible f

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Republic Restoration Initiative

Objective Pursuit Teams and their misssion/objectives Education - educate as many of the world’s people as possible on how America’s Republic has been illegally transformed from a nation based on the principles of natu

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Steps to Freedom

The challenge facing freedom loving Americans is enormous! To peacefully meet it they must cooperate and communicate with one another, retain the Constitution of 1787 as their beacon, make effective and efficient use of the soap and

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Summary of the RRI's Plan for

Restoring Lawful Government

Introduction - When the British Captain of the Serapis suggested Admiral John Paul Jones surrender he replied saying “I have not yet begun to fight!" So it is with America’s patriots. We have

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Proposed Constitutionalist’s Declaration of Demands

By Walter Myers


It’s true one must stand for something to avoid falling for anything. And though most Americans agree “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Co

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