Proposed Constitutionalist’s Declaration of Demands

By Walter Myers


It’s true one must stand for something to avoid falling for anything. And though most Americans agree “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed the people” as 30 governors alleged on 11/22/94 and on the need to “to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution” this goal remains elusive in spite of Washington, D.C. demonstrations by motorcyclists, truckers, veterans and others. Could it be because they failed to be specific in what they want or for lack of an organized resistance? On 10/25/10 Glen Beck said the Washington Post referred to the ‘Tea Party’ as a movement without a compass. Is it really a “movement” or some sincere Americans who don’t know what they want and have no viable plan for getting it? When the British Captain of the Serapis suggested Admiral John Paul Jones surrender he replied “I have not yet begun to fight!" So it is with America’s patriots. We have no recognized leadership or plan; a recipe for disaster. Perhaps POGO said it best; “we have met the enemy and he is us.” 

Historically, Americans have gathered around special interests (gun control, abortion, monetary and fiscal policy, immigration, etc.) which, though important issues, are SYMPTOMS of our problem and SYMPTOMS can’t be solved; only problems! This has stifled development of a “collective effort by a large number of people to try to achieve something” (a movement). Perhaps if 'Tea Partiers', “occupiers”, Constitutionalists, motorcyclists, truckers, oathkeepers, veterans and others trying to get government’s attention through demonstrations would adopt a “Declaration of Demands” identifying specific actions they want taken and by whom a movement would evolve. Such a Declaration could help people avoid squandering their resources on addressing symptoms and would provide a “yardstick” for judging political candidates.

Some suggested demands are:

1. Government officials must accept that:

a. The Declaration of Independence tells us the Federal government was created for the purpose of securing people’s unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and an opportunity to pursue happiness.

b. No government official(s) has - or has had - lawful authority to alter this original purpose and any Act by government that’s diminished or destroyed people’s ability to enjoy a Right is unlawful and must be corrected.

c. The evidence showing Federal action has exceeded its lawful authority is clear and abundant leaving two
possibilities; 1. the Constitution has been illegally replaced as the Supreme Law of our land


2. Those responsible for the unlawful “Federal action” are guilty of usurping their delegated authority.

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Walter Myers

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