SUBJECT : Political Action Coordinating Conference (PACC), submission to the RRI leadership team regarding creation of an Objective Pursuit Team (OPT), whose objective is to assure the proper enforcement of our laws.

PROBLEM: A combination of government Acts designed to destroy the American REPUBLIC and a lack of enforcement of our Supreme Laws as set forth in America’s founding documents has resulted in the replacement of our Republic with an incorporated government and Americans now living under the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto.


  • From America’s Declaration of Independence we know government was created for the PURPOSE of securing people’s unalienable Right to Life, Liberty and an opportunity for Happiness.
  • It’s logical to conclude that any government Act diminishing or destroying anyone’s ability to enjoy a Right is an unlawful Act and those responsible for drafting, promoting, passing, and/or perpetuating it are, according to Art. III, Sec. 3 of the Constitution, guilty of “adhering” to America’s enemies; an act of Treason.
  • Appeals to state and federal legislators to nullify these unlawful Acts have been futile.
  • A nation must be one of laws or a lawless nation. To be a nation of Laws America must be operated in accordance with the with the policies, principles and procedures cited in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights which are the Supreme Law of the Land.
  • Through a series of unlawful government Acts America has been “conditioned” for its role in the New World Order; a world which has been defined as having “a supranational authority to regulate world commerce and industry, an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a world development fund that would make funds available to free and communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order.” By definition, the world will be a global prison whose warden will be an Imperial Oligarchy.

DISCUSSION: Stopping the effort of the supranational authorities to enslave the world can be done but only by the rigid enforcement of America’s Supreme Laws as only these laws provide an impediment to the New World Order.


It’s essential that Americans hoping to Restore the Republic find a way to assure the proper interpretation and enforcement of our nation’s Supreme Laws. The enforcement of these Laws is contingent on members of our legitimate law enforcement agencies doing what is right. This includes military and civilian law enforcement personnel and members of the militia authorized by Art. II of the Bill of Rights as all are under oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

RECOMMENDATION – An Objective Pursuit Team be formed and a team leader be appointed for the purpose of preparing and overseeing the implementation of a plan dedicated to educating law enforcement personnel on the history of America’s transition from a Republic into a nation-state of the New World Order and inspiring them to take whatever action is needed to assure those responsible for having developed, promoted, passed and/or perpetuated the legislation responsible for America’s transition are held accountable under America’s Supreme laws.


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Walter Myers

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