Possible Invitees to a PACC

  • John Chambers, john@johnmichaelcham;
  • Mike Lyndell, ml@mypillow.com;
  • Kari Lake,
  • General Mike Flynn,
  • Sheriff Mark Lamb, info@activistdonor.org;
  • Sheriff David Clarke,
  • Pastor Bill Cook, rev@blackroberegiment.us;
  • Darrell Castle, dlc25861@aol.com;
  • Kendall Qualls, info@takechargemn.com;
  • Rob Pue, rob@wisconsinchristiannews;
  • Dr. Ben Carson, "ben@americancornerstone.org;
  • Jeff Maehr <truth@libertyzone.org>;
  • Foster Gamble;
  • Caroline Rogers from Foster’s Outriders Foundation;
  • Jim Harrison, christianminman@gmail.com;
  • Coach Daubenmire; Coach@CoachDaveLive.com;
  • Ohio Brett, ohiobrett88@gmail.com;
  • Larry Becraft, becraft@hiwaay.net;
  • Clyde Cleveland, clydejcleveland@gmail.com;
  • Lt Gen Rod Bishop;
  • Dr. Ron Paul;
  • Archbishop Vigano,
  • Dr. Simone Gold; Dan Schultz, dan@precinctstrategy.com;
  • Dr. David Martin; representatives of Eagle Forum,
  • Birch Society,
  • International Tribunal for Natural Justice (contact@ITNJcommittee),
  • "Overpasses for America", STARRS,
  • pc center for self governance;
  • Moms for Liberty;
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard;
  • Rep. Cynthia McKinney;
  • Lew Rockwell;
  • "Dinesh Dsouza" info@dineshdsouza.com,
  • Jim Condit, info@networkamerica.org;
  • David Sorensen, info@stopworldcontrol.com;
  • Jeff Brain update@clouthub.com;
  • LTC. Allen West,
  • Pastor Marc Little mlittle@mtllawgroup.com
E-mail me when people leave their comments –

Walter Myers

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