A Dream
Though time has rendered much of this obsolete the “dream” persists.
9/18/04 (updated 3/17/08)
FROM: Walter Myers (wlmyers90@gmail.com)
Fellow Americans: 
Upon entering the U. S. Navy, I took an oath to ”support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic….So help me God.“ Having never rescinded my oath and knowing for years that America was morally, philosophically, financially, and institutionally broke due to government abandoning its lawfully constituted mooring, I felt compelled to act and prayed for God’s guidance and help. 
An important blessing came on 11/22/94 when 30 Republican governors added credibility to the Constitutionalists’ cause by unanimously agreeing that “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction and thus violated rights guaranteed to the people.”
The governors subsequently pledged "to restore to the States and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution." This also helped Constitutionalists as the governors not only defined our problem but a worthy goal which, if realized, would correct it. Our challenge is to assure it becomes reality. Can it happen?  I think it can if we will build a team dedicated to restoring honesty in government for the purpose of Taking America Back to its lawfully constituted foundation and traditional values and pray. Let’s explore how we might build such a team by doing some pretending.
Let’s pretend Cindy Sheehan and the 100,000 people who marched with her in Washington D.C.; the residue of Col. Robert’s Committee to Restore the Constitution; 25% of our veterans who might remember and still be willing to honor their oath of office; the members of the minor political parties, John Birch Society, National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, Minuteman Civil Defense Corp, 911truth seekers, 10% of America’s ministers, members of the thousands of organizations whose aspirations, objectives and goal can only be realized through Constitutionalists’ gaining control of government and about 1 million true Americans who aren’t affiliated with any organization (a total of about 10 million or 3% of us) would agree with the governors and collectively pledge to do “whatever it takes” to realize the governors pledge and adopt the following as beliefs upon which to base our future actions.
  1. The Declaration of Independence is our Nation's birth certificate and our Constitution’s  cornerstone. For lawful government to exist, there must be strict compliance with the principles and policies set forth in these documents and the Bill of Rights when interpreted in the spirit and intent of America’s founding fathers.
  2. The united States of America was to be one Nation under God as stated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. Through the Constitution, the States created the federal government as their AGENT. As the principals to the Constitution and under the Law of Agency, our States possess the ultimate authority and responsibility for the  proper interpretation and implementation of the Constitution.
  4. In consideration of the power granted to the Federal government by the States, each State is guaranteed a Republican form of government by Art. IV, Sec. 4 of the Constitution.
  5. Treaties, being the purview of the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, cannot lawfully create new or modify existing law as Art. 1 Sec.1 of our Constitution vested all legislative powers in the Congress which includes the House of Representatives which has no authority regarding Treaties. Therefore, any pretense to use Treaties to create or modify our laws is an unlawful act.
  6. The Constitution's 10th Amendment stating "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution .... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people" provides incontestable evidence that the only lawful powers of the Federal Government are those specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
  7. No elected or appointed official has - nor has had - any lawful authority to alter the intent of our Nation’s founding fathers as set forth in the policies, procedures, and principles found in America’s Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights be it by Executive Order, Supreme Court decision, Presidential Decision Directive, Constitutional Amendment, Proclamation, or other writings.

The U. S. Supreme Court was correct in saying:

  1. a. "This Court has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty" and “ it would be manifestly contrary to the objectives of those who created the Constitution, let alone alien to our Constitutional history and tradition to construe Article 6 as permitting the United States to exercise power under an international agreement without observing Constitutional prohibitions.” (Reid vs Covert) 
  2. "a law repugnant to the Constitution is void." (Marbury vs Madison)
  3. "Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." (Miranda vs Arizona)
  4. “whatever the outer limits of the (states) Sovereignty may be, one thing is clear; the Federal Government may not compel the States to enact or administer a Federal regulatory program….Where Congress exceeds its authority relative to the States, departure from the constitutional plan cannot be ratified by ‘consent’ of State officials.” New York vs. United States112 S. Ct 2408 (1992).
Next, let’s pretend we agree the governors allegation is a satisfactory statement of the problem we must solve and that realizing their pledge will provide a solution to it. By agreeing to these three items, we have reason to network with one another and to begin building a team to claim control of government and Take America Back ! 
Now let’s pretend we call those engaged in the network a Take America Back team (TAB team) having thousands of local TAB teams located in each political precinct (or zip code area), county, congressional district, and state plus a National Leadership Team to develop a plan and guide the efforts of a National Implementation Team (NIT) that will orchestrate the plan’s implementation.  
To continue, let’s pretend our 10 million concerned individuals and organizations recognize the importance of planning, accept that a failure to plan is a plan to fail and that they agree to help implement a plan designed to optimize their ability to TAB. A proposed plan is in the book To Tame a Tyrant. See www.tyranttamer.com
Let’s now pretend we, the 10 million concerned, recognize Medori Severi’s wisdom in saying: "until we abandon our manifold private agendas and unite, we will merely be hapless observers standing at the bottom of a dark, deep pit, wistfully hoping to save the world, but really doing little more than breaking the fall of compatriots who are pushed in on top of us. Only by uniting in a common effort devoid of subjective paradigms will we be able to mold the human spirit upon which we may ascend to freedom."
Let us also pretend every one recognizes there is strength in numbers and that through Political Action Coordinating Conferences. We, as organizations and individuals, can enjoy the blessings of unity of spirit and on actions of mutual interest without forsaking our special interests. 
Let’s continue by pretending every member of the TAB team will diligently follow Gillaume Pitt’s advice saying: "every meeting, every conference, and every conversation is a failure that does not produce an army. The first requisite of an army is to subscribe to service...." 
Let’s now pretend every concerned organization will urge their members to network with other individuals and the members of other organizations within their political precinct or zip code in forming a local TAB team; the single most important element in the effort to TAB. Let’s also pretend the leaders of these organizations cheerfully participate in Political Action Coordinating Conferences (see www.thecnc.org/PACCs) in order to share their special interests with others in order to identify those having common interests and concerns who are willing to work with one another in seeking a solution to them by participating on an Objective Pursuit Team responsible for preparing (or adopting) and implementing a mini plan designed to address the issue(s) in which they share an interest.  
Now let us pretend we have access to an inter-active data base through which individuals can register and be put in touch with others within their geographical area with whom they can form local TAB teams and through which the plan’s National Implementation Team can communicate with them. 
Let’s continue by pretending the special categories of people across America who are blessed with a unique ability to educate and motivate others due to their occupations or positions (see http://thecnc.org/Powers.htm  ) were to do so and that their effort resulted in the formation of 25,000 local TAB teams; all of which are a part of an integrated network dedicated to a common cause; that of Taking America Back (TAB) in order to restore honesty in government.
Let’s now pretend members of the TAB teams will recognize we have but five boxes through which we can peacefully TAB. These are the soapbox and mailbox in all their forms, our grand jury and petit jury boxes, and the ballot box.  It is imperative the TAB teams give priority to the efficient and effective use of these five boxes !
These teams, working in unison on meaningful actions directed at electing a Constitutionally committed President and gaining control of state legislatures (these are considered the two most viable options for TAB) by educating others, assuring the integrity of the ballot box, assuring the availability of constitutionally committed candidates on the ballot in every election, gathering petitions, gaining control of the major political parties through precinct committee positions, creating grand juries to examine the evidence surrounding the Republican governors allegation, educating law enforcement personnel (both military and civilian) and inspiring them to honor their oath to “protect and defend the Constitution“, etc. will provide our highest probability of TAB.
On Constitution Day (9/17) 1993, one action on the path to fulfilling this vision became reality; this being the organization of the Constitutionalists’ Networking Center (CNC). Its missions: provide the comprehensive plan needed to help Take America Back (TAB); promote cooperation and coordination among those truly concerned over America’s departure from the principles and procedures found in its organic constitution (Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights), and help “we the concerned” use our clout to claim control of government so that together, we could redirect the Nation’s course toward the constitutions original intent.  
The CNC is a limited membership organization. Its original members were the late Evan Mecham, a former governor of Arizona and chairman of the CNC; Mr. Jim Thomas, former publisher of Media Bypass Magazine, the late Judge J.J. Boesel; Mr. John Voss, Director, National Commodity Barter Association; Dr. Greg Dixon, Chairman, American Coalition of Unregistered Churches; Sen. Don Rogers (R-CA) and the undersigned.
Notable CNC affiliates included General Ray Davis, former Commandant of the U. S. Marine Corps and founder of About Face America (deceased); Mr. Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America; Washington State Supreme Court Justice William Goodloe (deceased); Mr. Jim Collier, co-author of VOTESCAM, the Stealing of America (deceased); Mr. Ralph Boryszewski, author of “The Constitution That Never Was”;  Col. (retired) Jim Ammerman, Executive Director, Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches; Mr. Joe Stumph (deceased), President, Committee of 50 States chaired by former Utah governor J. Bracken Lee (deceased); and former Colorado State Senator Charles Duke. 
Though the CNC became semi-dormant in 2000 due to the failing health and death of some of its former members and its inability to convince enough organizational leaders and individuals of the need to create a team dedicated to TAB in the 90‘s, the need for it’s mission and functions remains!  Hopefully, recent blunders by government and a growing recognition that only through a unified effort and solid planning can “we the concerned” succeed in TAB. The window of opportunity may now be open to do so. I pray it won‘t be lost!!  Working with others on the few actions through which we can claim control of government will also strengthen our ability to solve our special interests. Clearly, this is the quickest and surest way of solving the multitude of symptoms generated by the “Federal action” that has exceeded the “clear bounds” of its jurisdiction.
My hope is for a new National Leadership Team to emerge that will adopt the RRI missions and philosophy, recognize the value of the planning, develop or adopt and update a plan for Taking America Back, obtain the needed tools and create a National Implementation Team to guide “we the truly concerned” in an effective effort to TAB.  
In the interest of honest government,
Walter Myers
PS - In May 08, the CNC was urged to re-activate the effort to build the needed TAB team. Step was the drafting of an initiative called RELIVING 1776 (see http://thecnc.org/Documents/1776.htm) . The document describes the many teams comprising the overall TAB team and their mission and functions.  CNC agreed to jointly sponsor the initiative with Americans for Constitutional  Enforcement. ( http://a4ce.org)
An outreach program was undertaken and on 10/25/08, the first of what we hope will become a continuing series of Freedom Forums or working conferences being held over the phone was held.  The first Forum resulted in the formation of an interim National Implementation Team with Mr. Michael Le Mieux, Mr. Michael-Edward, Mr. Gary Franchi and myself as members.  Another second forum was held on 11/1/08.  Summary reports on these forums can be found at www.restoretherepublic.com/top-stories/cncs-conference and http://www.restoretherepublic.com/latest-news/cnc-freedom-forum-held-081108
Mr. Michael-Edward agreed to modify an existing data base of his to provide one needed in support of the 1776 initiative. It is now ready. The next step in our process is to further define our objectives and the strategies and tactics to be used in pursuing them. 
Perhaps this  team could result from one or more meetings among some of the more prominent leaders whom I perceive to be committed Constitutionalists such as Col. (retired) Jim Ammerman, Dr. Chuck Baldwin, Judge Roy Moore, Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. Charles Key, the remaining members Constitutionalists’ Networking Center, Mr. Jack Mc Lamb, Dr. Jim Patrick, Mr. Jim Condit, John Eidsmoe, Merton Short, and Mike Peroutka, some responsible leaders within the 911 movement, and David Barton to name a few. 
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Walter Myers

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