Summary of the RRI's Plan for

Restoring Lawful Government

Introduction - When the British Captain of the Serapis suggested Admiral John Paul Jones surrender he replied saying “I have not yet begun to fight!" So it is with America’s patriots. We have no recognized leadership or plan; a recipe for disaster. Our history was characterized by POGO; “we have met the enemy and he is us.”

Though millions of Americans and thousands of organizations have tried to unilaterally stop America’s destruction they’ve failed for lack of an organized resistance. The result: Americans are rapidly being ushered into a New World Order that will be a global prison having an Imperial Oligarchy as its warden. The only bulwark between liberty and this global prison is Americans and their organic Constitution; especially the Bill of Rights. Therefore, it’s essential those hoping to avoid this catastrophe “team up” to gain control of government and assure it acts to satisfy the pledge made by 30 Republican governors “to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them by the Constitution;” an acceptable goal. Prayerfully, this plan will help people create the needed team.

> Most alert Americans know they have a problem. It’s a spiritual problem! It is that too many people have failed to acknowledge the importance of James 4:17 which says “he that knoweth to do right and do it not, to him it is sin” and to honor this passage by doing what is right.
> At least 2 million Americans will, if provided a viable plan and the tools needed to implement it, work together toward satisfying a common goal.
> In 1994, thirty Republican governors agreed a result of America’s problem is that “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed the people;” a worthy goal.
> Those responsible for the unconstitutional “Federal action” and its perpetuation are guilty of crimes found in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code and must be held accountable in order to restore lawful government.
> To peacefully solve this problem patriotic Americans must gain control of government. They have but three “boxes” through which to do so; the “soap” and “mail” boxes in all their forms to educate and inspire voters to effectively use the ballot box. The only alternative is the cartridge box. This is due to the common law grand juries authorized by the Bill of Rights having been unlawfully declared “obsolete” in the 1946 change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedures. A movement must take the position that government’s declaring the jury boxes “obsolete” is another of many illegal acts and reinstate their use.
> The viability of these boxes is contingent on unity on issues of common interest through a concept and communications system that will assure participants remain free to pursue their special interests.
> Realizing unity demands we implement a plan designed to provide it as a failure to plan is a plan to fail.

Important elements of a plan

> a vision
> agreement on the key items forming a foundation for unity of action to include a clear goal.
> identification of the major objectives lying on the goal’s critical path and ways to reach them.
> outlining changes to government policies and procedures essential to restoration of lawful government.
> a defined coordinating concept that will facilitate unity on actions of common interest while assuring everyone involved retains their freedom to pursue their special interests..
> an organizational structure and concept for communicating that will facilitate creating a movement.
> logistical considerations.
> an outline of sequential actions needed to advance the plan’s development and implementation.


People hoping to restore America’s Republic must create a movement by creating a team. The movement must be capable of holding wayward public officials accountable by rapidly recalling them, replacing them at the next election, or exerting the political pressure needed to gain passage of essential legislation. The movement must also be capable of successfully prosecuting the criminals responsible for the passage and perpetuation the unlawful acts destroying America as we can no longer afford to be a lawless nation where politicians are involved. The most important acts an individual can take are to organize a local Chapter, become a liaison with a segment of society in order to educate its members and inspire them to take meaningful action or to volunteer to serve on any of the positions identified on the RRI organizational chart.

Foundation for unity – Concerned Americans need to agree on several items including;
> God rules the universe and to enjoy Liberty we must abide by his rules.
> America’s problem as previously stated.
> A major manifestation of this problem is the Federal action previously stated.
* The previously stated goal which - if reached - would provide a solution to our problem..
* A number of undisputable facts; some of which are cited at __________________.

Major objectives – A few of the most important are: *Inspire a national repentance. *Retain the Constitution for the united States of America and assure it is again recognized as the Supreme Law. *Gain the support of law enforcement personnel; both military and civilian. *Institute a National Economic Recovery Program. *Gain control of the Federal government so needed changes can be made, *Convince incorporated businesses posing as a church to honor the 1st Commandment. Regain control of America’s destiny which demands terminating US membership in the United Nations, terminating the FED’s ability to force us to use debt as a medium of exchange, implementing a six part National Economic Recovery Program designed to restore our nation’s economy, purge America of all anti Americans, and restore people’s ability to hold government officials accountable through common law Grand Juries.

Coordinating concept

> a proven coordinating concept permitting unity on actions of common interest while assuring participants are free to pursue special interests is the Political Action Coordinating Conference. A writing on these are contained on the RRI web site under the “tools” category.

Organizational structure – at __________________is an overview of the team needed to create the movement required to satisfy the goal. Registrants should study it a select a role they will fulfill.

Communications - it’s essential those helping implement the plan have access to a communications system that will provide:
* The National Implementation Team (NIT) a way to rapidly reach all Governors, State legislators, County Supervisors, County Sheriffs, members of Congress and registrants or selected subsets thereof simultaneously or on a selected basis.
* A National Patriotic Media Team the means to rapidly provide information to all media outlets or subsets thereof who are willing to support the plan‘s implementation.
* All local team members a way to quickly communicate with one another at the zip code, county, and state level.
* A capability to forward emails received through 'Outlook Express' or other sources.
* A way to conduct a continuing educational program to registrants and the general public.

Actions needed to advance the plan - to “jump start” the plan the following must be satisfied.

* form of a National Leadership Team (NLT) composed of key Constitutionalists sharing the aforementioned vision who, in the words of Madori Severi, “are willing abandon our manifold private agendas and unite…” on meaningful actions leading to a common goal. The nucleus of the NLT exists. It is composed of Raj Doraisamy, Dr. Bill Cook and Walter Myers.
* the NLT must provide a comprehensive written plan. The NLT has adopted the plan proposed by the CNC in 1993.
* identify a Comptroller (individual or organization) to handle funds on behalf of the leadership team. completed
* identify a webmaster to develop the needed communications system and to prepare and maintain a web site. completed
* identify a responsible interim coordinator for each state and county.
* populate RRI’s structure

Funds - Sustaining funds must come from activists contributions.

Start up funds – The initiative will need to receive at least a $500.00 contribution and a $4,500.00 loan to be used for development of the needed data base and web site. Additional funds are needed for development of the communications system and payment for a Leadership Team.

As adequate funds become available, Mobile Information Teams will be deployed to hold Political Action Coordinating Conferences at various locations throughout the United States. PACCs are designed to provide participants an opportunity to voice their concerns, to educate and organize people wishing to assume a role in implementing the plan and to form Objective Pursuit Teams. See ____________________ PACCS and ____________________OPTS.

Funds are also needed to develop Power Point Presentations tailored to specific audiences, to purchase presentation equipment and cover expenses of “mobile information teams” responsible for conducting regional Political Action Coordinating Conferences, educating State, county and local leaders, state legislators, and the general public in an effort to organize the teams described at

CURRENT STATUS – The nucleus of a leadership team exists. Construction of the data base and web site is underway.

Draft legislation directed at providing viability to the jury and ballot boxes exist. Information designed to help educate and motivate the clergy, law enforcement personnel, veterans, incumbent elected officials and the public are also available and will appear on the web site. When funds are available many writings will be converted into pamphlets to aid local team members in educating and inspiring others to do what’s right.

An interim national leadership team, webmaster, and comptroller exist. It’s time to begin putting faces to spaces in several areas. This can only happen when enough people decide to support a meaningful effort and to heed the advice of Medori Severi who said: "until we abandon our manifold private agendas and unite, we will merely be hapless observers standing at the bottom of a dark, deep pit, wistfully hoping to save the world, but really doing little more than breaking the fall of compatriots who are pushed in on top of us. Only by uniting in a common effort devoid of subjective paradigms will we be able to mold the human spirit upon which we may ascend to freedom....."

We must also heed Gillaume Pitt’s advice. He said: "every meeting, every conference, and every conversation (I suggest we add every communication) is a failure that does not produce an army. The first requisite of an army is to subscribe to service....,"

It‘s hoped this overview of a plan will convince the reader that there is a way to redirect America’s future. Clearly, time is of the essence. The writer is fully aware of thousands of organizations having squandered people’s money by being single issue organizations, by failing to have a comprehensive plan, by going to Congress begging for responsible action which will never happen and by failing to recognize that only a united effort directed at a common goal can we restore our Republic and the inherent Liberty it did – AND CAN AGAIN – provide.

In an address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association' at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961 President John F. Kennedy said "We're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind…It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."

In 1962 President Kennedy also said “Those who make peaceful resolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” Today, America is on the verge of an armed revolution. People are sick and tired of pleading with their corrupt elected official; only to provide them little more than lip service. If America is to be peacefully returned to its lawful, biblically inspired roots those who believe in God and desire to live in Liberty MUST acknowledge a act on the truth. We pray you, the reader, will do so. It is essential we create a movement focused on forcing state legislatures to accept that they, as the principals to the Constitutional Compact, who hold the ultimate responsibility and authority for its proper interpretation and implementation and of the need to honor their oath.

Anyone having the capability of, and interest in helping to implement this plan are urged to contact:

Walter Myers, author of To Tame a Tyrant at 785-766-3045.

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

Walter Myers

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