The RRI is composed of a number of teams; each having a mission that is vital to the RRI’s success.

These teams and their mission are:


The members of the Republic Restoration Initiative’s NLT are Dr. Bill Cook, founder of the Black Robe Regiment and Walter Myers, author of To Tame a Tyrant. More members
are needed. The NLT’s primary missions are to:

  1. Provide a viable plan having the potential to create the movement needed to restore our Republic.
  2. Provide Americans the tools needed to implement the plan.
  3. Oversee the plan’s implementation.
  4. Function as a catalyst in an effort to unite the efforts of individuals and organizations in pursuing the critical objectives lying on the critical path to our Republic’s restoration.


The NIT’s mission is to execute the daily activities required to implement the RRI plan under the guidance of the NLT. Members of this team will be paid for their services.
OBJECTIVE PURSUIT TEAMS (OPTs) Satisfying the goal of restoring our Republic is contingent on satisfying the major objectives lying on its critical path. Each objective needs to have a team whose mission is to develop and pursue the implementation of a plan dedicated to satisfying it’s objective. The need for 12 OPTs has been identified to date.


The mission of the LIT is to:

  1. Monitor the actions of other RRI teams and assure they are in compliance with all applicable laws.
  2. Initiate and pursue legal actions needed in support of other RRI teams. Current members of the LIT are Larry BeCraft and Darrell Castle.


This team’s mission is to develop and pursue legislation in support of the RRI OPTs. Its membership will include elected County, State, and Federal officials having the courage,
knowledge, and skills needed to develop and pursue needed legislation and who are willingto acknowledge and act on truths, members of the RRI OPTs and others selected by the team’s leadership.


Each state shall have a coordinator whose mission will include:

  1. Identifying a coordinator for each of the state’s counties.
  2. Initiating and coordinating Political Action Coordinating Conferences among the leaders of other state wide organizations designed to identify actions and objectives needing attention that are peculiar to their state.
  3. Promote passage of legislation suggested by the NIT and that peculiar to their state.


A volunteer is needed for each of America’s 3141 counties. Her/his mission is to:

  1. Promote the development of one or more local RRI chapters within each zip code in the county.
  2. Initiate and coordinate Political Action Coordinating Conferences designed to identify objectives needing attention that are peculiar to their county.
  3. Identify media outlets within their county that are willing to support the RRI program.


These are the key to restoring our Republic. It is through them that the proverbial “rubber will meet the road.”

The mission of these chapters includes:

  1. Being a “watchdog” over their local government agencies.
  2. Sponsoring and hosting Political Action Coordinating Conferences among the leaders
    of other local organizations and the general public.
  3. Educating and inspiring voters in their local area on issues and actions needing
    attention; especially those related to our Republic’s restoration.
    Identifying and supporting worthy candidates.
  4. Gaining control of significant political parties through the election of precinct
    committee persons.
  5. Sponsoring and supporting local youth activities and informing the members of the
    need for the rri.
  6. Educating local government official and petitioning them for redress of grievances.
    Assuring jury members are fully informed of their Rights.

Additional information regarding the mission and functions of local RRI teams is available at to promote implementation of RRI adopted organization initiatives.

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Walter Myers

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