Dear Sheriff ____________________

Date: _______________


As you know, America's Supreme Law consists of the policies and procedures cited in our nation's Declaration of Independence, Constitution of 1787, and Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, We the People, including America's law enforcement personnel, slept while enemies of our Constitution throughout government were at work undermining our Supreme Law.

The result is that Americans are no longer being governed by it but by the principals and procedures found in the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto.

I fear this ungodly and unconstitutional criminal activity has America on the brink of another civil war dedicated to restoring lawful government and rightfully so for as stated in the Declaration of Independence: "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," --"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it."

If our nation's Republican form of government is to be peacefully restored, it is urgent and necessary that some meaningful steps be taken. Though many actions are required to consummate this restoration a highly important action rests with our nation's Sheriffs. It is you who have the authority and fiduciary responsibility to assure that "We the People" are able to enjoy our God given unalienable Rights. As a Sheriff, you took an oath to uphold the Constitution; not an unconstitutional legislative act or judicial decree.

The time has arrived when Americans, and especially America's Sheriffs, must draw a line in the sand. This line must be a litmus test by which all government action must be judged. Since government was created for the purpose of securing for us our unalienable Right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness every government act must be supportive of people's ability to enjoy them! If it isn't, the Act is unlawful and must be recognized as such! We must also accept that those responsible for an unlawful Act and its perpetuation are criminals guilty of one or more crimes. These crimes are cited in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code and those who violate them must be held accountable if America is to again become a nation of laws.

In preparation for enforcing our Supreme Law it is suggested that every Sheriff should:

1. Notify their constituents of the need for civil obedience to the Supreme Law which means civil disobedience to the unconstitutional laws Americans are now being ruled by; that this obedience might precipitate violence by the criminals pretending to represent us, and that in order to prepare to counter this violence you wish to assure every able bodied person in your county that has a weapon, is proficient in its use, and that is willing to be deputized be on standby. The need to deputize said persons to help enforce the Supreme Law may present itself.

2. Give the criminals pretending to represent We the People a notice of demand to initiate action on the items cited in the Declaration of Demands that is included in the Informative Writings on the Republic Restoration Initiative web site and a time-line for doing so prior to beginning their arrest.

3. Inform the members of the judicial system that if they try to circumvent the Supreme Law they will be treated as an enemy of our Constitution, arrested, and tried according to the common law authorized by the Bill of Rights. I pray this letter helps provide you the knowledge needed to honor your oath and ask if you will do so. I also pray you have the needed courage and integrity for the time has come for We the People, to include you, to exercise our Rights, respectfully disobey unlawful Acts, and do whatever it takes to restore our Republic or relegate it to a page in history. If you find you lack the courage and integrity needed to honor your oath please resign for there have been few times in history when the need for the enforcement of our Supreme Law has been greater.

I will close with two pertinent quotes by President John F. Kennedy.

"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction."

"Those who would make peaceful resolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK



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Walter Myers

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