An open reply to the “Veterans Today”

“As RussiaGate gets closer to outing Trump, do you expect him to call on followers to rise and fight a civil war?”

I wouldn’t expect Mr. Trump to make such a call and should he do so, it wouldn’t change a thing. We the People are already the official enemies of the Federal government! We were declared to be its enemies on March 9, 1933 via the Emergency Banking Relief Act, Public Law 1, 48 Stat. 1. I suggest Mr. Trump’s release of a paper acknowledging this fact and that it means Americans are already engaged in a CIVIL WAR with the treasonous imposters posing as our Federal government along with some information similar to that cited below it would help Americans understand why it is so important they unite on actions of mutual concern.


Fellow Americans - I learned a lot during the short time I was your President that resulted in several very important conclusions you need to be aware of and collectively act on; some of which follow.

  1. I learned the Republic to which we pledge an allegiance no longer exists. America is now a nation-state of a New World Order that’s been defined as; “a world that has a supranational authority to regulate world commerce and industry, an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a world development fund that would make funds available to free and communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order;”  i.e., a global prison whose ’warden’ will be an Imperial Oligarchy!
  2. I learned that while government was created for the purpose of securing for Americans their unalienable God given rights to Life, Liberty, and an opportunity to pursue Happiness, the Federal government has illegally, intentionally and methodically exceeded its authority under the Constitution and violated people’s rights as alleged by thirty Republican governors on 11/22/1994 and that Americans are now “governed” in accordance with the ten planks of the Communist Manifest by a criminal syndicate.
  3. I learned President John F. Kennedy, in addressing the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961, was right in saying: “We are at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankindIt requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."
  4. I learned the “war” President Kennedy referenced is real; that it is a CIVIL WAR in which “we the people” were officially declared to be the enemy of the Federal government via the Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933. This act that also gave the Presidency the authority to impose the “edicts” of the New World Order’s “supranational authority” throughout the world via Executive Orders, Presidential Decision Directives and other unconstitutional means.
  5. I learned the primary organizers/controllers of this “system” are the owners of the world’s central banks who successfully coerced most nations into accepting a monetary policy based upon the creation of a medium of exchange (erroneously called “money”) by private commercial banks as a debt; a policy of usury God warned us to avoid. Americans and the people in other nations using this unconstitutional and un-godly enslaving policy are now in economic bondage. The only possible outcome of
    this policy is for the system’s owners to one day holding title to all real wealth of their choice, a mortgage on the remainder and a claim on all future production.
  6. I learned the United Nations was established at the behest of the “system’s” creators for the purpose of serving as a global governing organization and that on May 11, 1955, former American Bar Association President Carl Rix, in referring to America joining the UN, was right in testifying before the U.S. Senate that: “Congress is no longer bound by its Constitutional system of delegated power….., Congress may now legislate as an uninhibited body with no shackles of delegated powers under the Constitution. Our entire system of government of delegated powers of Congress has been changed to a system of  un-delegated power without amendment [of the Constitution] by the people….”
  7. I learned America has active duty military personnel stationed in about 150 nations for the purpose of ensuring they comply with the “edicts” of the New World Order.
  8. Perhaps the most important thing I learned is that due to an obstinate Congress composed of politicians owned by the “supranational authority” and the system’s control over all major media outlets the probability of peacefully Making America Great Again is slim to none. To do so America would have to be in control of its own destiny. At a minimum, this would require exiting the UN, bringing monetary policy into compliance with the Constitution, and freeing America from the ungodly, un-payable and unconstitutionally created debt Americans theoretically owe as a result of present monetary policy.

In closing, I believe that short of Americans uniting and becoming an undeniable political force capable of causing educators, our clergy, our media and law enforcement personnel and your elected officials to honor James 4:17 by doing what is right in the interest of restoring America to being a nation of laws in lieu of a lawless nation when politicians are involved, I fear President Kennedy’s 1962 comment saying “Those who make peaceful resolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” might well
become reality.


Perhaps such a message by an ex-President Trump would capture enough attention to cause people to understand that while millions of individuals and thousands of organizations have tried to unilaterally redirect America’s course they have failed; that only through unified action can they possibly succeed; and that realizing the needed unity will require millions of Americans to rally around a plan for as results have shown, a failure to plan is a plan to fail. A plan proposed by the Constitutionalist’s Networking Center is summarized at

In God and country,

Walter Myers
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