A Resolution regarding the Status of America's Organic Constitution by the City of ____________,County of _____________, State of _______________.
Whereas, America’s foremost PROBLEM is too many people failing to acknowledge the importance of James 4:17 saying “to him that knoweth to do right and doeth it not to him it is sin” and to honor this passage by doing what's right and;
Whereas, a RESULT of this failure was described by thirty Republican Governors on 11/22/94 as "Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed the people;" a result supported by an abundance of evidence and;
Whereas, the most damaging of all constitutional violations is perhaps that of Congress having unlawfully transferred its power “to coin money and regulate the value thereof” to the privately owned, deceitfully named Federal Reserve System (FED) and;
Whereas, rather than monetize wealth as intended by the Constitution, the FED chose a monetary policy defined by the U.S. Dept. of Treasury as being “the actual creation of money always involves the extension of credit by private commercial banks” and “money for paying the interest on borrowed money comes from the same source as other money comes from” and;
Whereas, the only mathematically possible result of this policy is for the owners of the stock in the banks comprising the FED to eventually hold title to all real wealth of their choice, a mortgage on the remainder and a claim on all future production and;
Whereas, this policy is a clear violation of people’s unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and opportunity for Happiness; the very PURPOSE for which government was created and;
Whereas, it’s axiomatic any government Act diminishing or destroying a person’s ability to enjoy a Right is an unlawful Act and those responsible for the act and/or its perpetuation are guilty of crimes cited in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code and;
Whereas, this fact, coupled with other concerns shared by many Americans over various government agencies ignoring their pleas for righteous action could easily result in a civil war and;
Whereas, we the undersigned have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and have a fiduciary responsibility to do so on behalf of our constituents,
Be it Resolved, the City Council of _______________, ____ hereby request the state legislators and Congress persons representing this City come before it and the citizens of this City to answer to these questions:
- Since it is clear America’s Supreme Law of the Land (Declaration of Independence, Constitution of 1787, and Bill of Rights) isn’t in force, what are you using as the basis to govern by, who is responsible for having replaced the Supreme Law, and what action are you taking to bring government into compliance with America’s founding documents?
- How do you propose Americans pay their debts under current monetary policy and what are you doing to bring it into compliance with Art 1, Sec 8:5 of the Constitution of 1787?
Approved by the city of ______________ State of __________ on ________________.
Copies provided to the city councils of ________________, ________________, and _______________and to the Commissioners of the County of ____________, state of _____ on ____________with a request they join in this action.
PS: Since it’s clear Americans aren’t being governed by the Constitution, some possibilities of what we are being governed by are:
* a dictatorship created by the Emergency Banking Act of 3/9/33 that made Americans official enemies of the Federal government and gave the Presidency the power to rule us by Executive Orders, Decision Directives, and Signing Statements.
* the Charter of the United Nations whose policies and procedures the U.S. agreed to take “joint and separate action” to support in spite of them violating the very PURPOSE for which government was created.
* the Communist Manifesto whose ten planks are now alive and well in the United States.
* the “edicts” of the “supranational authority” (international bankers) referred to in the definition of the “New World Order.”
*the policies promulgated by the Council on Foreign Relations whose reported mission is to plan for and condition the United States to accept its role in the New World Order.
* an unspecified basis that allows politicians to do as they please without reference to any recognized and documented basis.