A Resolution by the County Commission/Board of Supervisors of ______________County,
State of _______________
Whereas, the citizens of this County are experiencing severe economic hardship and 
Whereas, it’s clear this hardship is being intentionally imposed on Americans through a mathematically flawed, ungodly, unconstitutional, and unsustainable monetary policy described by an 11/1/82 Dept. of Treasury letter as being “the actual creation of money always involves the extension of credit by private commercial banks" and a Dept. of Treasury letter dated 1/6/83 saying "money to pay the interest on borrowed money comes from the same source other money comes from;" a policy administered by the privately owned, deceitfully named Federal Reserve System(FED) and 
Whereas, a result of this ungodly (see Deuteronomy Chapter 28) and unconstitutional monetary policy is that Americans now owe over $60 trillion in public and private debt and over $50 trillion in unfunded obligations; none of which can be repaid under present monetary policy and
Whereas, due to this system of “money” (debt) creation, titles to the real wealth of the citizens of this city and nation are being transferred to banks who are being bailed out by the FED creating more fiat “money” (debt) and adding it to the imaginary and un payable debt owed by “we the people” and 
Whereas, the only possible outcome of this unconstitutional monetary policy is for the few families who own the stock in the banks comprising the FED is for them to eventually hold title to all real wealth of their choice, a mortgage on the remainder and a claim on all future production and
Whereas, to accept the perpetuation of this monetary policy would be to commit the citizens of this city, county, state, nation and our posterity to a life of slavery to this system and the owners of the FED, 
Be It Resolved, that we, the duly elected members of the County Commission/Board of Supervisors of ________________ County, State of ________________, in recognition of our fiduciary responsibility to our citizens, request our State Representative, State Senator and U. S. Congress persons come before this Council and the citizens of our County to explain how we are to pay our debts under such a system and be it further
Be It Resolved, that if any official can’t explain how our debts can be paid under present monetary policy, she/he identify the action they are taking to return to this county, state, and nation to a medium of exchange meeting the intent of our Constitution of 1787 and to eliminate the un payable debts created as a result of existing monetary policy.  
Approved this ___________day of _____________, in the year ________________ by the ______________ county Board of Supervisors in the state of ______________________.
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Walter Myers

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