Disgusting and Distasteful Truths

When it comes to the following facts there is no difference between the Republican and Democrat political parties. They are two wings of a socialist bird intent upon supporting the creation of a global prison known as the New World Order.

In 1994 thirty governors alleged “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction……” Facts prove this to be true. If one accepts the purpose of government is to secure for us our unalienable rights then it’s axiomatic America is a lawless nation being ‘governed’ by a criminal syndicate. It is time to enforce the Law!!

Following are a few of the Federal actions that “exceed the clear bounds of its jurisdiction”:

  • The Republic created by the Constitution of 1787 was superseded in 1871 by a federal municipal corporation calling itself the United States. Since then this corporate system includes all the states and counties and towns and cities. They are all part of one big corporate structure owned by the International Monetary Fund.
  • Every elected official has failed – and through acts of omission - is failing to provide Americans with Constitutionally compliant money and is ‘adhering’ to its enemies by supporting the 5th Plank of the Communist Manifesto in defiance of the Constitution of 1787. This, by definition, is Treason.
  • On March 9th, 1933 the Federal government declared ‘we the people’ to be its official enemy. 
  • By joining the United Nations in 1945 the United States relinquished its sovereignty and ability to control its destiny.
  • The 17th amendment, a huge step in transforming America from a Republic to a democracy, was fraudulently introduced and just as fraudulently ratified. Fraud has no statute of limitation. Ergo, every government act since the theoretical ratification of this Amendment on 4/8/1913 is, in law, null and void, ab initio.

In 1938 (Erie RR v Tompkins) the Supreme Court ruled Courts should use the Uniform Commercial Code in lieu of the Constitution as the basis for their decisions. The only possible outcome of our present ungodly and unconstitutional monetary policy is for the owners of the stock in the banks comprising the central banks to eventually hold title to all
real wealth of their choice, a mortgage on the remainder and a claim on all future production.

Americans are denying God’s instructions and are in economic bondage. Those supporting this policy are “adhering” to enemies of the Constitution. This by definition is Treason. America is the world’s greatest terrorist nation! Its military has been – and is being – used to enforce the “edicts” of the New World Order. Only North Korea, Iran and Cuba have yet to be
forced into accepting a Rothschild central bank. Americans are presently being governed according to the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto. We have permitted our schools to become centers of indoctrination rather than education.

America is a lawless nation so far as politicians are concerned. Due to the unlawful 1946 change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure declaring the common law Grand Juries authorized by the Bill of Rights being declared “obsolete” we the people lost our most valuable resource through which to hold elected officials accountable for their misdeeds.

Our military and civilian law enforcement personnel have – and continue – to ignore their oath. Over 99.7% of America’s so called “churches” are incorporated businesses in defiance of the 1st Commandment. None of the “talking heads” on TV will inform people of important truths. Patriotic Americans need their own TV channel.

Federal Action beyond its authorized jurisdiction has contributed to both husband and wife having to work and to broken families with as many as 72% of the children in some sectors of society living in single parent households. By Americans losing their morals and the integrity needed to honor God’s word we’ve become a post Christian nation.

We the People, by failing to “stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free” are now in bondage. We have allowed our nation, birthed as a Constitution Republic founded on Biblical principles, to be cut loose from its mooring and transformed into a nation-state of a global government.

THE MOST DISTASTEFUL & DISGUSTING TRUTH – need, greed, and a lack of common sense have kept voters from uniting so they’d be capable of responsibly addressing these issues! It’s urgent we do so!

WORTHY QUOTE - “ A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero, from a speech given to the Roman Senate, recorded in approximately 42 B.C. by Sallust.

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Walter Myers

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