Hypocrisy, Sin & Cognitive Dissonance

Could these three items harbor the root of Americas problems? The Bible tells us that Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people (Pr. 14:34); that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23); and that to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)

By definition, being cognitive is seeking knowledge or the capacity for it. Dissonance is a want of agreement or an incongruity. Psychologists combined the two words to give us the term Cognitive Dissonance; a condition present in most Americans when it comes to political matters.

Often, we are unable to be objective when confronted with facts. We tend to reject the unfamiliar and to believe what years of indoctrination and propaganda have instilled in us regardless of its validity. We sometimes know when we are doing wrong but, because of habit or fear of leaving our comfort zone, we continue doing it. We become hypocrites and sinners; conditions we must overcome if we are to Take America Back.

Examples follow:

We find in Dt. 5:19 that "thou shall not steal." Yet, we allow the Federal government to be the biggest thief of all, stealing from the middle class to make the rich richer and to reward laziness in the name of welfare. We support businesses called churches whose creator is the state in spite of knowing a created entity cannot be greater than its creator and of being told in Dt 5:7 that "Thou shalt have none other gods before me".

We've allowed government to bear false witness (lie) in order to lead us into war and to kill at will. We've allowed our historic system of education to be replaced with one of indoctrination which no longer produces competent citizens and over which parents and local elected officials have no control.

We continue to support the two major political parties responsible to the criminal acts that led thirty Republican governors to allege that Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violate rights guaranteed to the people. We've pretended that members of our Federal government are too incompetent to solve an emergency and allowed it to operate under a state of declared national emergency since March 9th, 1933. (see U. S. Senate Report 93-549 dated 1973)

The report states that:

“For 40 years (now over 70 years), freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency..... We've permitted Congress to unlawfully transfer its delegated authority to "coin money and regulate the value thereof" to a privately owned, deceitfully named banking system, the Federal Reserve System, which loans money into existence under usury, thereby burying Americans under a mountain of debt and placing them in perpetual economic bondage."

We've allowed America's Military forces to be transformed from an establishment for national defense to being an enforcer of U.N. (Banker) policies in support of the New World Order, based on Fascism.

We've condoned assaults on American citizens absent legal finding of wrongdoing (Waco; Ruby Ridge; Smithville, Arkansas; the World Trade Center [see 911truth.org] et al)

I believe the united States of America is under judgment because of the sin and hypocrisy so prevalent throughout our society. It has permeated every level of American life. Those wanting to overcome their hypocracy and stop sinning are urged to join the team dedicated to Taking America Back.

To do so, please join by clicking on the "Sign Up" button at the top. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - Jn 8:32 (if taken to heart and acted on).

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Walter Myers

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