A Resolution by the City of __________________
County of _____________State of ______________
Whereas, this city and its citizens are experiencing severe economic hardship and
Whereas, it’s clear this hardship is being intentionally imposed on all Americans through a mathematically flawed, ungodly, unconstitutional, and unsustainable monetary policy characterized by an 11/1/82 Dept. of Treasury letter as being “the actual creation of money always involves the extension of credit by private commercial banks" and a Dept. of Treasury letter dated 1/6/83 saying "money to pay the interest on borrowed money comes from the same source other money comes from;" a policy administered by the privately owned, deceitfully named Federal Reserve System (FED) and
Whereas, this policy is in compliance with the 5th Plank of the Communist Manifesto and clearly contrary to the policy called for by Art 1, Sec 8:5 of the Constitution for the United States of America and
Whereas, government was created for the purpose of securing for Americans their unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the opportunity to pursue Happiness and
Whereas, any act that’s diminished or destroyed anyone’s ability to enjoy a Right is an illegal act making criminals of those responsible for the act and/or its perpetuation and
Whereas, each member of this Council has taken an oath to support the Constitution and to continue to support the existing monetary policy knowing it is unconstitutional would be to “adhere” to enemies of the Constitution which, by definition, is an act of Treason and
Whereas, the members of this Council will not willingly and knowingly engage in Treason by acts of omission and/or commission,
Be It Resolved, this Council demands the Board of Supervisors (County Commissioners) of _____________ county, state of ______________ join us in demanding the ___________ State Legislature, as a Principal to the Constitution, exercise its authority under the Law of Agency and act to assure the Federal government, as an Agent of this State, act to bring this nations monetary policy into compliance with the Constitution and to eliminate the ungodly, unconstitutional, and un payable debt Americans theoretically owe as a result of the unlawful monetary policy and to hold those responsible for having proposed and promoted this policy accountable under Title 18 laws.